Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Gunter didn’t expect them to get it immediately. “I got it for you for several reasons, really. This is an alder tree, and it inherently has a great affinity for magic. The Druids, for instance, they love to use this as an anchor for interdimensional plane traveling. How far have you read into your family’s history?”

“Quite far,” Nikki admitted slowly. “My clan’s talent was a very special one. They could hone any wood into a wand or specialty tool. They used magic and raw power to do it with; a tool never touched a wand made by my family. Their wands were more precise and powerful because of it. Or so the record said.”

“They were world famous for it. Everyone wanted a Bos wand. I’ve seen many a record mentioning it.”

“You got me this tree to practice with,” Nikki said. It clearly wasn’t a question.

“Or to just enjoy. I have no idea how your family worked that particular magic. The record I gave you wasn’t very precise in instructions. The tree can be nothing more than a magical companion, if you choose to just keep it for company in your workroom.”

Nikki eyed him for a moment, the corner of their mouth curling up. “You say that, but you’re really hoping I’ll play with the tree and figure it all out. Aren’t you.”

Not to be baited, Gunter just shrugged. It really was up to Nikki. Was he curious how that magic worked? Sure. Did he want Nikki to live up to the potential living inside them? Absolutely.

But this was very much Nikki’s call. Gunter could never be disappointed in them, no matter which way they decided.

Those midnight purple eyes narrowed on the tree for a long moment. Nikki finally said, “I can sense the magical energy slowly flowing through this tree. You’re right in that it has a strong magical affinity. Hi, tree. Hello? Let’s be friends. Oh, hey, it said hi back. You didn’t tell me the tree could say hi, Gunter.”

Gunter blinked at them. They did not just talk to the tree. Yes, people talked to their plants, but that was different. “I didn’t know it could.”

“Oh.” Nikki regarded the tree with more interest. “Oh really. Tree, you and I will talk more later, yeah? Right now, I have a sexy man to kiss.”

Gunter grinned at them. See, he totally knew what he was doing picking out presents for Nikki. Silly Cameron for worrying about it.

He obligingly bent to close the distance between their heights, sinking into the heated kiss Nikki gave him. Gunter always got a thrill when Nikki touched him, encouraging him to keep the mage as close as possible.

Gunter’s dragon was fully on board with this plan. Nikki needed to stay close at all times.

What he intended to be a moment of pure affection took a sharp twist when he felt Nikki’s hands travel lower, finding Gunter’s ass and giving it a good squeeze. His dick jumped in response. Yes, god, that felt good. Nikki smiled against his mouth, like they knew precisely what they were doing, and then ground into him. Hard.

Oh god. Uhh…Gunter froze a little in panic. What did he do?! He had no idea if Nikki had any experience. Considering their living conditions before this, he rather doubted it, but he could be very wrong. And, and, oh shit that felt good—

Gunter broke off the kiss before he lost his head totally. He had to be the responsible one—clearly, because Nikki had no intention of taking on that role—and that meant asking a few questions. “Uh, Nikki—”

Nikki tried to pull him in again. “Get back here. We were getting somewhere fun.”

“Uh, yes, that is, I really liked that, but…I’m trying to ask, do you, uh—”

“I absolutely want to,” Nikki assured him with a serious nod.

“Not…at all what I was asking. Uh, do you have any, um, experience in this?”

Nikki looked up at him, the picture of innocence. “Experience?”

“Right. Um. Before we take this further, I really need to—please stop playing with my ass, I can’t think clearly when you do that.”

Nikki blinked, the façade of innocence firmly in place. “You need to think right now?”

For the life of him, Gunter couldn’t remember what his train of thought had been. For once, thinking seemed to be an overrated activity.

There was a quick knock on the door before someone poked their head in. “Yeah, I figured it might be dangerous to just walk in here. Gunter, yoo-hoo?”

Gunter stepped away a little to glare at Ravi. “Go away.”

“Wow, impressive glare there, but put it back. Hoheit needs to meet with you immediately.”

Damn, it would be something official. Here Gunter was, all revved up and ready to go, and dammit, he still didn’t know if Nikki was a virgin or not. Growling, he tried to cool himself down. Best to stop here, anyway. He needed to approach Nikki when his head was above his belt line and get a straight answer before they went any further. “Alright, fine. Nikki, I’ll be back.”

