Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“It’s perfect.” Nikki slid back out, sprinting to him and catching Gunter in a fierce hug. Then they peppered Gunter’s face with kisses, grinning from ear to ear. “I love it. This is a seriously expensive gift, though, are you sure?”

Catching Nikki about their waist, he gave a gentle caress against their chin. “Nikki, I want to be honest with you. I do have a few fears where we’re concerned.”

Nikki blinked up at him, those wide purple eyes blank. “What fears? Have I said something—”

“No, it’s not what you’ve said. Rather, it’s more how we met?” Gunter didn’t know how to phrase any of this right, and was fairly sure he was about to make a hash out of it all. But he had to try anyway because the uncertainty was eating away at him. “You were coming out of captivity, and Ravi literally threw you to me on a battlefield. And since then, you haven’t left my side.”

Now those eyes narrowed, as if studying Gunter and coming to their own conclusions. “You’re afraid of this being hero worship. Aren’t you?”

“A little?” A lot, really, but Gunter wasn’t about to admit that.

“Gunter, seriously, have you not looked at you?” Nikki waved a hand up and down in elaborate illustration. “Of course I took one look and wanted to lick you like a popsicle.”

“Oh.” A flush lit Gunter’s cheeks; he could feel the heat of it. “Oh, um, is that why?”

“At first, sure. When I got to know you better, I decided I really liked you. And I still wanted to lick you like a popsicle. It’s why I was so happy when you finally made a damn move.” Nikki shook their head in exasperation. “Is that what held you back from me, all this time, no matter how many hints I gave you? You were afraid my desire for you would fade?”

Gunter shrugged a little. It was something he’d wrestled with; he couldn’t pretend otherwise.

“I kissed you twice and you still dragged your feet,” Nikki muttered. “I guess I now get why. You do understand now my feelings for you are absolutely not going to die off, right? I’m not going to ever choose someone who is not you. You’re the only one I want.”

Joy and relief swept through Gunter in a dazzling rush, his knees trembling from the force of it. Nikki’s arms wrapped around his waist as he said, “And you’re the only one I’ll ever want.”

“Good.” And when Nikki kissed him, it was more than good—it was everything.

After a few minutes of simply holding on and exploring each other’s mouths, Gunter pulled away, eager to proceed with the courting gifts now that they were on the same page.

“To answer your earlier question, I wanted to court you properly. The car is not expensive to me. If it gives you a sense of freedom, makes you feel comfortable leaving and returning, then it’s worth every euro.”

Nikki’s eyes turned bright and they blinked several times, fighting back tears. “I don’t ever want to leave you. You know that, right?”

“I do.” Gunter was relieved to hear those words, though, reinforcing Nikki’s statement of want. “But I know, too, that sometimes you feel compelled to leave. And I want you do that safely. Hence, the car.”

Nikki grabbed Gunter firmly behind the head, drawing him down for another fervent kiss. “Thank you,” they whispered, the words husky. “I’ll cherish it.”

“Good.” Gunter wasn’t in doubt of that, as Nikki cherished anything handed to them. “I want you to feel like you’re living here, not bound here.”

“I felt like that before you ever handed me a car,” Nikki promised him. They practically shone with joy, brighter than any sun.

Gunter was very happy that this first present was going over so well, but it was really the second one he was keen to show off. “The second present is more fun. Back to the library.”

“I want to drive the car, though!” Nikki pouted a little, staring at their new car longingly.”

“I promise, after dinner, I’ll take you driving. But I don’t want you to miss your second gift.”

Nikki was torn, clearly, but the curiosity of another gift won out. “Absolutely promise we’re going driving?”

“Cross my heart.”

“Okay. Alright, fine, let’s go see the second one. I’m too curious.”

Gunter had been banking on that. He took them back down to the library, both quick in their steps, if for different reasons. Gunter hoped Nikki would understand the meaning behind this second gift, now that they had family records in their hands. But he also wasn’t sure how far Nikki had read. They had been very busy.

Once back in the library, Gunter drew them in, waving a hand to the planter sitting on the table. “This is your new tree.”

Nikki took it in from planter to leafy tip, blinking. “A tree?”

