Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“I would. Otherwise, Gunter will feel he’s right and you agree with him, and that’s a slippery slope you absolutely do not want to go down.”

Nikki felt that was a very good piece of advice and saw no reason not to take it. “You know what, I’m going to do exactly that.”

“You know…” Cassie slowly drawled. “We haven’t had a good mage rap session in ages. Lisette, how far along are we?”

The older woman smirked. “We’re three-quarters of the way done. Just need a few more amulets.”

Cassie squealed and started typing furiously on her phone. “I’m texting Sora to get his butt here with some wine and some sake.”

“I’ll tell Tori to quit playing in the dirt in the greenhouse,” Cameron replied while he typed on his phone.

“And snacks! Tell them all to bring snacks!” North shouted.

“Amulets first, snacks seconds,” Lisette instructed sternly above the growing excited chatter.

Nikki leaned toward North. “Rap session?”

“Yep, it’s a lot of fun. We drink and snack and dish on the dragons. Lisette even participates if we can get enough glasses of wine in her.”

The conversation died down a little as they all hurried to finish their work. It was nice to know Nikki wasn’t the only one having some trouble with their dragon. Not that Nikki could really complain about Gunter. Okay, they could, because Gunter did have his frustrating moments, like the overprotectiveness of last night. But Nikki’s dragon was sweet, caring, and protective, even if he was incapable of making a damn move.

Lisette had just finished showing them how to make the amulet they could give to Gunter when the door opened. Sora shuffled through, arms heavily laden with offerings.

“I’ve got sake, humus, olives, dates, and pita chips. What’s going on?” he asked.

“Dish session,” Carla called out.


“Just bring me the sake, and we’ll explain.”

Nikki turned their attention back to Lisette, not even trying to hide their worry. “Are you completely positive I did this right? Are you sure it wouldn’t be better if you made Gunter’s?”

Lisette gave them a bright smile. “It’s perfect. It will do its job and keep Gunter safe.”

“Thank you.” Nikki sighed with relief.

The door opened again, and Tori burst through with his arms full. He slammed it shut again and placed his back to it. “I’ve got four bottles of wine, pretzels, cookies, and possibly the last bag of potato chips in the entire castle.” The mage sounded out of breath, as if he’d run straight from the kitchens.

“Oooo! Gimme! Gimme!” Cassie shouted, stretching out her hands and flexing her fingers at him.

“Not a chance, witch! I had to dodge four dragons for these chips. I almost dropped one of the bottles.” Tori looked over at them and smiled. “Hey Nikki, can you lock the door behind me?”

Nikki blinked in surprise at the request but hopped up to lock the door as Tori straightened. With the door locked, Nikki hurried to help North clean up all the supplies and equipment that had been dragged out for their work, while the others poured the wine, opened the snacks, and gathered around the various chairs and cushions so that they were seated in a loose circle.

“We haven’t had one of these dish sessions in so long,” Tori murmured as he lounged in a large purple beanbag chair. “Sora hasn’t even been here for one yet. What started it?”

“Nikki mentioned how hard it was to train their dragon,” Cassie mentioned.

“Though, in Tori’s case, it’s more like his dragon training him,” North teased.

Tori pulled the chip he’d been about to put in his mouth away from his lips. “Hey! I don’t need training.”

“Really? How many pairs of gloves do you own now?” Cameron asked with a laugh.

Tori groaned.

“Or pairs of socks?” Cassie added.

Tori groaned louder. “Everywhere. They are everywhere.” He lifted his head from where he’d dropped it back on the chair and looked at Nikki. “Baldewin is worried I might one day feel a tiny bit cold. It’s like he can’t fathom I’m Finnish and don’t feel cold like Cameron or Cassie. He is constantly giving me socks or gloves.”

“Particularly since you can’t remember to ever grab your gloves,” Lisette murmured.

Tori threw the older mage a look and smirked. “At least they’re cute socks and gloves. He’s got good taste.”

“What about you, Sora? Have you managed to wrangle Ravi at all or is he still the same walking chaos?” Cassie teased.

Sora seemed to think about it as he swirled a chip through the bowl of hummus. “Slow progress is being made. He’s starting to run some of his more…enthusiastic ideas past me rather than just doing them.”

Cameron cackled. “Sora’s the reason Ravi’s brand of chaos has been toned down from an eleven to just a nine most days.”

The healer mage smirked. “Yes, instead of chaos and explosions, now it’s mostly just chaos.” He paused, looking thoughtful before he gazed at Nikki. “Though, there has been one small drawback to Nikki taking Gunter in hand.”

