Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Cameron rattled off two models that might work, Gunter relayed this information to the sales clerk, and she was happy to inform him they had one in stock. In red, no less, which was a favorite color of Nikki’s. Thank god.

She walked him outside to a side lot, and Gunter looked the car over with a careful eye. On the smaller side and with a full list of safety features on an info sheet that he approved of. It was cute, too. Nikki should have cute things. They were suited to cuteness.

“I think this one will work,” he said finally, with satisfaction. “If you could get the paperwork started for this, under the Burkhard account. I believe we have one on file here.”

Her eyes slowly widened with realization. “Oh! Y-you’re one of the Burkhards?”

“Right. Put this under the name of Nikki Burkhard.”

She looked a little starry-eyed for some strange reason, nodded like a bobble head, and promptly went back into the store, through a door marked employees.

“Nikki Burkhard, eh? Things going that well?”

Gunter sighed and pulled the phone back up to his ear. “You can’t stop teasing, can you?”

“That was actually a very serious question.”

Yes, he did sound serious. “Nikki barely remembers much from their childhood. And they’ve made no hint of wanting to leave us. I think Nikki will choose to stay, even if we don’t work out. That said…I want us to work out. Which is why I’m trying to do this courting thing right.”

Gunter wasn’t sure if buying a car was the right tactic, honestly. Nikki still had moments when the walls closed in on them and they had to escape outside for a few hours. But Gunter hoped with a car and a clear method for freedom, the urge to leave would die down. When Nikki had more choice in the matter—to stay or go—surely the urge to escape would fade away. He prayed it worked out that way and didn’t go the other direction, encouraging Nikki to leave altogether. He really, really hoped he was doing the right thing.

“Gunter, you just brought a tear to my eye. Such a sweet declaration. But the car is kind of a practical gift. You sure that’s how you want to start the ball rolling?”

“It’s part one of my gift,” Gunter corrected. “I got them a tree, too.”

“A…tree. Um, okay, I gotta ask. Why?”

“I think they’ll like the tree. It’s an alder, a very powerful tree.”

“Uh…the logic is there, swirling and swirling, but it’s not connecting. Seriously, why a tree?”

The sales clerk was back, this time with the paperwork in hand. Gunter really shouldn’t be trying to explain this while buying his present; he had to be available for questions. “I’ll explain it later, okay? I have to go. Thanks, Cameron.”

“Good luck. You might need it.”

Gunter hung up with a snort. No, he didn’t. He had this all planned out perfectly. To the clerk, he said, “I’ll pay for this in all cash. I can drive it off the lot today, correct?”

“Sure, we can do so quickly if this is a cash purchase.”


Gunter had both presents all set up with bows on them, in their separate locations, waiting to be given at the right moment, which fortunately appeared after lunch. He drew Nikki out of the dining hall and toward the garage in the main courtyard. It was a quicker trip from here to there than it would have been climbing up the stairs from his library.

Nikki went along, hand in his, expression curious. “Where are we going?”

“A surprise gift for you.”

“Ooh. I love surprises. The good kind, anyway. Although I’m really curious about why we’re going outside for this one.”

“It’s too big to fit through the doors, for one.”

“I’m now more and more curious.”

Gunter opened the garage door, displaying the cute little red car in all of its shiny glory. Then he stepped back with a voilà sort of motion. “Your car.”

Nikki stared at it for a full minute, then at Gunter. “I…suddenly feel like maybe my hearing has left me in my young age. Did you just say your car? As in, this is mine?”

“It’s yours. I know you’re still in the process of learning for your license, but I want this to be available to you when you are ready.”

Nikki walked forward in a daze, looking it over, lightly touching the hood with fingertips. The growing delight on their face made it clear this was a welcome gift, one they liked the look of. That had been one of Gunter’s fears, that Nikki wouldn’t like his choice. But it seemed unfounded.

Opening the driver’s door, they slid inside and sat there, both hands on the wheel, taking in the interior. “It’s so sleek and cool. And it fits me; it’s not big like Tori’s car.”

“I bought it hoping it would be a better size for you.”

