Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“Oh shit.” Gunter groaned, his hips jamming into Nikki’s as his climax ripped through him.

Nikki felt it, that hot tide, and both relished it even as they felt jealous. Nikki wanted to come too, dammit.

Having come that hard, Gunter’s strength failed him for a second and they slid to the floor, although Gunter kept Nikki supported enough that neither of them fell over. He kissed Nikki thoroughly even as his hand wrapped around their throbbing cock and brought Nikki completely over the edge. Nikki barely lasted more than three firm tugs before coming hard against Gunter’s chest.

They leaned against each other, heads tucked against each other’s shoulders, just breathing and enjoying the afterglow. Nikki had never come that hard in their life. But it wasn’t a surprise. Masturbation couldn’t compete with this. Gunter made everything better—sleeping, eating, living. Of course climaxing with him would be better, too.

It was lovely, being in this man’s arms and having the luxury to bask in truly excellent sex. To feel his racing heart slowly settle, to feel the heat of his skin against Nikki’s own. It was, in a way, almost as intimate as the sex had just been.

When they had their breath back, Nikki murmured against Gunter’s shoulder, “You’re kinkier than I planned on.”

Gunter snorted a laugh. “I didn’t hear any complaints.”

“Hell no. You were like a wild animal, attacking me and giving me absolutely no quarter. It was amazing.” Nikki looked up at Gunter from underneath their lashes. “Do it again?”

“You really are going to be the death of me.” Gunter sighed, as if put upon. But that wicked gleam was back in his eyes, too. “How about we crawl into bed, cuddle and recover a little, and then I’ll give you the option of topping me?”

Wow, now there was an image. Nikki could picture it all too clearly. And in that moment, was very torn on which way to go. Did they ask Gunter to top them again, or take up that very enticing offer?

“No?” Gunter asked, smile fading a little.

“It sounds amazing, I’m just can’t decide,” Nikki admitted, wanting to bring the smile back. “Because being at your mercy was just…words fail me. I definitely want to do that again, and often. But the idea of taking you is really, really tempting. I don’t know which way to go.”

“Do both,” Gunter suggested, smile coming back full force. “Because I am always willing to fuck you into a wall, little one.”

Nikki shivered a little. “I’m looking forward to it. Bed, cuddles, and we’ll let our mood decide.”

“Works for me. Up you come.”

Nikki’s legs didn’t want to work quite right, so Gunter ended up carrying them to the bed. Which, no complaints there. Even as they settled in under the covers together, pressed close, Nikki’s mind went straight into the gutter.

There was absolutely no need to sleep tonight. Nikki had far, far better ideas to pass the time with.

Nikki yawned and stretched, sliding their toes along the silky cotton sheets. Everything felt so wonderful. They felt relaxed and well rested. They couldn’t remember ever waking and feeling so great before.

Though, there was no question as to the reason why, as Gunter’s arm wound around their waist and pulled them the short distance across the mattress into his warm body. His morning wood poked at them, and Nikki couldn’t help a little wiggle, snuggling their ass back against him while the dragon pressed his face into their neck. Gunter hummed his happiness while there seemed to be an echoing purr from deep in his chest. Were both the man and dragon happy right now?

Nikki liked the idea. They were a tamer of men and dragons.

“This is nice,” Gunter murmured, his voice deep and rough with sleep. “I’ve never been a morning person before, but now I have even less reason to get out of bed.”

“Do we have to get up?” Nikki pouted, even if Gunter couldn’t see it from where his face was still buried in Nikki’s neck and hair. “Why can’t we just stay here all day?”

“As delightful as that sounds, I have an extremely packed day of meetings.” Gunter pressed a kiss to Nikki’s shoulder and flopped onto his back with a heavy sigh.

Nikki rolled over so they could sprawl across Gunter’s bare chest. Their dragon couldn’t possibly look more adorable. His floppy, blond hair was sticking up in all different directions, and his face looked cuter without his glasses to hide his lovely blue eyes. Lying around with Gunter seemed like a brilliant idea to them.

“More Jaeggi crap?” Nikki grumbled.

“Actually, not all of it will be.” Gunter threaded his fingers through Nikki’s hair and pushed it back from their face in a gentle caress. “Since Sora’s arrival, along with the arrival of the Sodalicium dragons, I’ve focused heavily on the Jaeggi efforts, but it’s meant that I’ve neglected the everyday life of the castle.”

