Elf (Mystic Guardians #2) Read Online Rinda Elliott

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Mystic Guardians Series by Rinda Elliott

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“It’s really not,” he grumbled.

She put her hand over his. “It’s so nice to see you messed up over another person.”


She laughed harder, which promptly turned into a coughing fit. When he drew on his magic to help, she shook her head and took her hand away.

“Sammy, let me. You know I can’t handle you suffering.”

She got herself under control and shook her head. “Let nature take its course, Alaric. Save your magic for this new man in your life. Just promise me that you will let him in. Anyone who has you this messed up is someone you need in your life.” She tilted her head. “Have you kissed him?”

“Yeah, I did.”


“Best fucking kiss of my life.”

She just grinned. “This is what I wanted to hear. It’s about time, my friend. I’ve spent sixty-some years waiting to see you fall in love, so this is the best gift you could ever give me.”

“I didn’t say I was in love with him, just that he is someone I could love.”

“Oh, trust me, you’re already there or you wouldn’t be here trying to make heads or tails of it.”

Was she right? Was all this inner turmoil a sign of love? “You just love watching me suffer.”

“What are friends for?” She winked, but the movement was slow. “But seriously, don’t screw this up. Let someone in, Alaric. Even if you only have sixty or so years with him, it will be worth it. I never found a woman to love like that, and it’s the one thing I regret the most. Don’t be like me. Regret is shit to live with. Especially when you’re at the last of your life and it’s too late.” She patted his hand. “But the end of your life is still so very far away.”

“That’s the problem, Sammy. How do I let myself love a human like that when I know they won’t live as long?”

“Tell me something, do you regret our sixty-five years?”

“Not in the least. They’ve been the best years of my life.”

“Then don’t screw this up. Live that long life to the absolute fullest. Outside of never having that one true love, I did live my life the way I wanted, and that makes me happy. I was loud and proud in a time when that wasn’t welcome. I befriended an elf who made my life richer. I danced on clifftops.” She leaned closer. “I truly lived, and my biggest wish is that you do the same. So go back to your Ezra and love him. Promise me you’ll do that.”

“I can’t promise you that, and you know it.”

“At least promise to give it a chance.”

“I can do that.”

And he meant it. He might not be there with Ezra just yet, but the possibility was there in living color.

Chapter Thirteen


Bain and Finn stayed mostly outside, so Ezra was left to his own devices in the safe house. He missed his records and stereo, and truthfully, he was missing his camera. Complete boredom had set in, but he also felt weirdly restless.

And horny.

He was so fucking horny all he could do was think about the kisses he’d shared with Alaric. His bodyguard had left to visit a sick friend, and Ezra missed him. Actually missed him.

Restless, he paced the master bedroom, then leaned against a wall, his brain giving him fits. Alaric had said he wanted to date him, and no matter how much he wanted that to happen, he just kept thinking of the inevitable time Alaric came to realize that Ezra was worthless. He could care about the elf despite the lack of heart he’d believed he had. Now, he was understanding that it was there—just heavily bruised. Possibly emaciated from lack of nourishment. But even if he didn’t end up dating the elf, he knew he definitely wanted to have sex with him.

So when Alaric showed up in his open doorway, Ezra could only stare, knowing every bit of the desire he was feeling was stamped on his face.

Alaric said nothing, just shut the door and strode to him. He wrapped one hand around Ezra’s throat, tipping his head back. The look in his eyes had Ezra’s heart fluttering, his groin tightening. So. Much. Heat. Desire blazed in those purple eyes, all Alaric’s focus completely on Ezra’s mouth.

Ezra licked his lips, and Alaric groaned under his breath and swooped down to take his mouth. His lips were firm, his tongue coming out in a wicked slide that came in to twine with Ezra’s own. He kissed deeply, with pure intent. The kind of kiss that went to Ezra’s head, making him dizzy with lust. He met that tongue, slide for slide, opening wider as Alaric explored his mouth.

Moaning, Ezra clenched Alaric’s ass, his dick pushing hard into his jeans. He wanted this man inside him so badly, he actually ached. He just knew the elf would know what he was doing, would hold him down and pound into him, and there was nothing Ezra liked more.

