Elf (Mystic Guardians #2) Read Online Rinda Elliott

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Mystic Guardians Series by Rinda Elliott

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

Confident Ezra would be safe with Bain and Finn, he drove to Sunny Acres that evening. He rarely visited Sammy at night because she tended to be weaker in the evenings, but tonight he’d make an exception.

Sammy wasn’t having a good day. It was obvious in her pale skin and the way her tiny body was curled on its side under the covers. She gave him a faint smile when he entered the room.

“It’s good to see you,” she said softly as she patted the bed. “Something’s up. I can tell by your expression.”

“Have you had pain meds today, Sammy?”

“Yes, but they aren’t working so well.”

He pulled the covers up higher over her and sat close. His fucking chest ached to see her like this. That thin thread of energy she still had was so minuscule now, he knew he was going to lose her. He picked up her hand, wincing at the papery dryness of her skin, so he grabbed the lotion off the table beside her bed and gently rubbed some onto her hands.

She watched him quietly for a moment. “Thank you. You’re always so good to me.”

“I love you, Sammy.”

“I love you, too. But something’s wrong. What is it?”

“Besides how hard it is to see you like this?”

“I’m human, and this is a part of that. You’ve always known that. No, this is something else. Is it a job?”

“Sort of.” He took a deep breath and set the lotion bottle back down. When he picked up her hand again, this time it felt softer. Still frail, though, so he was careful. “I’m attracted to my current client. Very attracted. And at first, I thought he was this rich kid who’d been handed everything his whole life. He’s everything I don’t respect, but the more I get to know him, the more I’m seeing that’s not all there is to him. He confuses me, Sammy. Saying ‘very attracted’ doesn’t begin to cover it.”

“Why do you sound like this is a bad thing?”

He couldn’t tell her that it was because of her that he was so scared. That watching her die was killing him. It would hurt her too much.

“Do you think you could love this man, Alaric?”

He didn’t even hesitate because the knowledge of this possibility had been hovering in the back of his mind for days. “Yes.”

“But that’s wonderful.” She looked like she wanted to say more, but instead she briefly closed her eyes.

He put his hand on her arm and sent in his healing magic, though it would only temporarily help her. He didn’t have the power to reverse what age was doing to her, though he wished more than anything he did. But he could easily lessen her pain.

This time, when she opened her eyes, they were clearer. “Help me sit up. Serious conversation time.”

Once he got her settled against her pillows, he scooted back to better look at her, happy to see his magic had helped her seem more alert. He’d wanted her to live with him and not come to this place when she’d first become bedridden, and she’d flat out refused because she knew he’d dose her with his magic daily. She was well aware what the healing power did to him when overused. But keeping her well and comfortable meant more to him than anything, so he’d been hurt when she’d asked to live here.

“Okay,” she said as she smoothed the covers over her lap. “Tell me everything about him. What’s his name?”

“Ezra Forsberg.”

“Forsberg—I know that name.”

“His father was rather infamous as a local crime boss. But Ezra had nothing to do with that world. In fact, he doesn’t seem to have any sense of drive at all.”

“Not your usual type, then.”

“No, and that’s why I’m really mixed up about him. He’s not my type when it comes to personality and is actually pretty rude at times. He’s physically beautiful, though. The most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

“But outward beauty has never been your thing.”

“Exactly. He’s almost pretty, with this sexy, pouting upper lip that drives me crazy. My attraction to him confounds me, though. It’s stronger than anything I’ve ever felt, Sammy. And after some time with him, I’m now seeing glimpses of someone much deeper than I thought. His family treats him horribly.”

“So, he’s someone who needs love—which is so ironic. He’s exactly your type.”

He widened his eyes. “Since when? I’ve always liked confident, driven men. What the hell are you talking about?”

She chuckled. “Bullshit. You go for those types of men so you aren’t needed. So you won’t give too much of your heart over to them. This Ezra sounds like exactly what you’ve always really needed. I told you before that I hate the way you keep yourself emotionally separated from everyone other than your family and me. It sounds like this guy is cracking through that barrier, and that’s a good thing.”

