Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)
“I never heard from a hospital, Ezra. But I did recently change my number.”
“That I knew because I did try to call you about coming to see you today.” He let out a heavy sigh. “Whether you like it or not, we are family. I should know when your number changes.”
But Ezekiel was ignoring him as he narrowed his eyes at Alaric. “Is this a new boyfriend?”
“No, he’s my protection.” Ezra looked at Alaric, who was close to glaring at Ezekiel, an expression that surprised him. Alaric usually kept his feelings masked. “Which is why I’m here. Those men who hurt me let me know they’d been hired. I need to know about our father’s enemies and why one of them would target me. Like you, I had nothing to do with his business.”
“I’m aware.” Ezekiel ran a hand through his dark hair, and Ezra was surprised to see a few hints of gray in it. His brother was only three years older, so was it stress from his job?
Ezekiel cleared his throat, aiming his piercing hazel eyes at Ezra—same color as their father’s. “I’m not prepared to discuss family business with a stranger here. Tell him to step out.”
“Sheesh, Ezekiel. You can talk directly to him. But he stays. I feel safer with him close.”
“You don’t feel safe with me?”
“I don’t feel safe anywhere. I’ve been attacked twice now.”
His eyes widened. “Twice?”
His gaze flicked over Ezra. “Yet you have no bruises from either attack. Maybe you’re making this out to be more than it was. You always were one for drama.”
Ezra’s lip curled up as he forced himself to lean casually back in the seat. “Heard from our mother recently?”
“I had lunch with her yesterday.”
It took all his will not to show the instant surprise—and pain—that hit him mid-chest. “She grew tired of Italy already?”
“She’s been back a couple of weeks. You didn’t know?”
“You know I didn’t. If it weren’t for society parties where she has to pretend to know me, she’d much prefer if she didn’t.”
“Maybe if you hadn’t been such a difficult child…”
“Or maybe if she’d remembered she had more than one son.” Ezra glanced at Alaric, who was silent as usual, though there was still a hard edge to his expression. Ezra needed to move this along. Plus, an uncomfortable, solid knot had formed in his gut. Alaric was seeing a little too much about his family—and after all his drunken confessions last night. “This isn’t getting me the information I need. Were you aware of any of our father’s enemies?”
“You mean besides your husband, Kemper?”
“He’s on my radar, of course, I just don’t think he’d offer two million to see me dead.”
Ezekiel raised his eyebrows. “That much? How do you know that?”
Ezra shrugged. “I have my ways.”
“So use those ways to figure out Father’s enemies. I have no information to pass along, since I was never a part of what he did.”
Studying him, Ezra worked to accept this was another dead end. And also that he and his brother would never have any sort of relationship. He’d thought he’d long ago accepted that, but Ezra had a feeling the hospital had gotten in touch with Ezekiel, and he hadn’t bothered to show up.
And now, he knew that his mother had been in town, and even she hadn’t bothered.
He was alone.
Standing, he straightened his jacket, making sure no emotion showed on his face. “I can see this is a waste of time.”
“Next time, no strangers, Ezra.”
“You don’t have to worry. There will be no next time.” He walked out of his brother’s office, knowing it would be the last time he ever went there.
Alaric was silent in the elevator but stopped him in the lobby. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, why?”
Alaric’s lips tightened. “If that’s an example of your family, no wonder.”
“No wonder what?”
“I just understand more about you now.”
Anger, with a heavy dose of embarrassment, made his cheeks feel hot. “You know nothing about me, so don’t think you do.
Alaric just stared at him a long time before finally giving a curt nod. “Let’s go.”
Chapter Twelve
Ezra was silent the whole way back to the safe house, and then he shut himself in the master bedroom. It felt like the kisses had never happened.
But they had.
Alaric didn’t regret kissing Ezra. He didn’t give a shit about the company rules because he was completely intrigued by the man. Hearing his story about his childhood, then witnessing the absolute coldness from his brother, it was easy to understand that Ezra had lived his entire life without any sort of affection. No wonder he was so snippy. It was a wonder there was still a heart there at all. And there was. Alaric was getting glimpses of it all the time.
But he was thoroughly confused over the strength of his attraction and needed a break. Needed to talk to Sammy.