Elf (Mystic Guardians #2) Read Online Rinda Elliott

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Mystic Guardians Series by Rinda Elliott

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“Oh, I like him,” Bain said with a wink to Alaric.

“Give it time,” Alaric muttered.

Ezra supposed he deserved that. Still, he looked between the two, realizing that while Bain was certainly someone he would have pursued in the past, he didn’t come close to how much Ezra preferred looking at Alaric, with his dark, wavy hair and brilliant purple eyes. He even loved the pointed ears. They looked so elegant. The man, or elf, just flat out did it for him.

They took the elevator to the fifth floor, and Ezra knocked on Jake’s door. The massive bodyguard raised his eyebrows high when he opened the door, then narrowed his eyes. “Ezra? Why would you come here? This is a bad idea.”

“Can we come in? I need to talk to you.”

Jake’s gaze flicked to Alaric and Bain. “Hanging out with models these days? They can’t come in.”

“They’re my protection. They do what you do, and I need them with me.”

It took a few moments for Jake to reluctantly nod and step aside. “I’d invite you to sit, but there’s glass everywhere from that freak storm. Already called the landlord about replacing the carpet. So watch where you step.

Glass crunched under Ezra’s shoes as he walked into the small living room. “This won’t take long. Do you know if Brian put out a hit on me?”

“A hit? Are you sure?” He crossed his arms. “You know that even if I did, I can’t answer that. Kemper always knows when someone talks.”

“How would he know?”

Jake shrugged his big shoulders. “He just does. I can say nothing about him.”

“Have you heard anything about this elsewhere?”

“Obviously not, since I was surprised.” He dropped his arms to his sides. “Look, you didn’t deserve what you got. No one would. But even if I’d known about this, it’s not like I could warn you.”

“So, it could be him.”

“It took guts for you to move out. Surely you expected some kind of retaliation.”

Ezra curled his lip because that statement told him what he needed to know. “Because Brian like to keep all his things close.”

Jake said nothing to that, but Ezra got the feeling the man believed his ex was behind this. That was all he needed.

Glancing at his two silent bodyguards, he said, “We can go. Jake can’t help me.”

“I’m really sorry, Ezra. It’s not the same without you there. Nobody else games.”

“I really wasn’t happy. You know that. I also thought I’d be in danger if I stayed. Seems leaving might have made things worse.”

The earlier terror returned to twist a knot in his gut. He’d endured years with that asshole, and now it seemed his ex was still trying to get in the last word.

Chapter Seven


“This is my favorite of our safe houses,” Bain said as they walked inside. “So, so many good memories here.”

Alaric glanced around at the familiar home with its high beams, stone fireplace, and huge L-shaped brown couch. “I can only imagine. When I came here, you and Clive were already hooking up.”

Bain sent him a quick glare. “You know it was more than just hooking up. Was from the very beginning. I was so drawn to him, it felt like my body was ramped up at all times.” He set his satchel down next to the door. “But it wasn’t just my body. My mind and heart got involved fast. You’ll see when it happens to you.”

“I don’t want it to happen to me.” Ezra came inside just as those words left his mouth. For some reason, he wanted to take them back instantly, which made no sense. What did he care what Ezra thought of his love life? Or lack of one. He thought of Sammy, lying alone at the end of her life in that bed, and his heart just tightened up. He hadn’t been back to visit her in days, and the thought of her being there all alone killed him.

But it also reminded him that caring for humans ended in nothing but heartbreak. Even if they lived long lives like his friend, those years were still short when compared to a preternatural’s lifespan. He still couldn’t believe Bain was tying himself to a human knowing he’d outlive him.

Ezra was wandering around the living area, picking things up and putting them back down.

“Ezra,” Alaric said, “I’ll show you the room where you’ll be staying. You’ll have to make do tonight since Finn can’t bring your things until tomorrow. Or you can borrow something of mine to sleep in.”

“I don’t sleep in clothes, so I’ll be fine.”

Alaric nearly gasped at the spear of lust that knowledge sent through him. He immediately pictured Ezra naked against a set of white sheets, and when that image coalesced into his body twining with Ezra’s, he shut his eyes briefly.

He did not need to go there.

