Wrath Read Book Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole (Wrong #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 85183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

I wet my lips with my tongue as lean into him. "Who does he tell then? Who knows everything about Joe?"

He hesitates.

"It can take an awfully long time to be beaten to death if the person dishing out the beating knows what they're doing, Mussa. Don't make this worse on yourself. Die with some fucking dignity. "

"Stan Solomon."

I reach into his coat pocket and take his cell phone. I scroll through his contacts. "Is he in here?"

He nods just as I find his name in the directory. "See, that wasn't so hard now was it?” I say as I place the gun to his temple and pull the trigger.

His body slumps to the side. Blood covers his legs, some of it spilling over the chair onto the carpet. The steady dripping noise and the rush of my own heavy breaths are the only sounds in the room.

I turn to look at Tor and find her sitting on the edge of the bed, wiping the bloodied knife off on the duvet. Her disheveled hair has red patches of blood streaked through it. I grab the bag set behind the door and unzip it. Pulling a hacksaw out, I glance over my shoulder at her. "You're probably not gonna want to watch this."

Her gaze drifts down to the saw and disgust crawls over her face. "Do I want to know what you are going to do with that?"

I stand, shrugging as I walk toward Mussa's lifeless body. "Start a fucking war."

Tor slowly steps toward the window, opening it to climb out.

"Just sit on the window sill. Don't go all the way out."

She nods, swings her legs over the ledge, and sits with her back to me.

I grab Mussa's thick hair and yank his head up as I place the blade to his throat, dragging it back and forth. There's little resistance as the serrated edge slices through his flesh, only requiring a bit more force when it reaches his windpipe, but when I hit his spine, the saw catches. Sweat drips down the ridge of my nose as I cut away, and I have to place my foot on his thigh to get the leverage I need in order to snap through the bone and cartilage. I hold the decapitated head up, blood dripping from the mangled flesh. Even for me, this is a little disgusting, but I will be fucking damned if Joe Campbell will ever think he can break me. I can't help but smile as I imagine the expression on his face when he hears that his right hand man's head has been delivered to one of his businesses. I toss the saw down, cram the head inside the bag, and zip it up. I use the sheets to wipe the blood from my hands before I pull my phone out to call Marney.

It barely rings. "Yep?"

"Get those fucking cleaners in here to get rid of this shit."

"They're on their way. Leave the window open so they can get in?"

I end the call, strap the bag over my chest and stand behind the window "Come on, doll," I say touching my hand to her shoulder.

She rises from the window ledge, smoothing out her white, blood stained dress. The two of us climb down the metal fire escape and quickly make our way through the alley. The black sedan is parked just down from the hotel, and we hurry through the dark before anyone catches sight of us. I open the door and usher her in before I set the bag in the trunk. I've barely shut the door when I crank the engine.

The dim yellow haze from the streetlights flickers through the windshield as I drive off. When I stop at a red light, I glance over at her. She reaches over and turns the radio up, staring out the window as she hums along with the tune. There's blood on her cheek. I can't help but replay the feral look that overcame her when she had Mussa bleeding and helpless beneath her. It shouldn't, but just thinking about how she fucked him up has my cock hard as all hell. I drive until we're at a safe distance before I pull into an empty parking lot and shut off the engine.

She glances at me, her eyebrows pinching together in confusion. I unzip my pants and shove them down before I grab her and drag her across the center console, trapping her between my body and the steering wheel.

"You make me so fucking hard," I growl against her lips, skimming my fingers over the back of her neck and fisting her hair. I yank her head back, and she gasps. I trail my lips over her throat, inhaling her scent which is now tainted with the metallic smell of blood. It's fucked up that it turns me on, but goddamn, my dick's never been this fucking hard in my life.

