Wrath Read Book Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole (Wrong #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 85183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

"Mussa, you know we don't want to hurt you, right?" she purrs, her voice seductive as she removes his gag. "We just want Joe. Give us Joe and we'll let you go." She leans into him, stroking her fingers over his face, provoking him.

He laughs, pulling against his restraints until he's centimeters from her face. "I know who you fucking are, bitch! I'm almost jealous Joe got to fuck that pussy."

"That's it!" I shout and stomp toward them. I slam my fist against the side of his face. "I'll fucking kill you!" I grab his throat and squeeze as tight as I can manage. Tor places a hand on my arm and shakes her head, signaling for me to move away. I release him, and he gasps for air. I hesitantly walk to the side of the room, fuming over this entire fucking ordeal.

"I tried to be nice to you, I really did," she says. "Remember that."

I cross my arms over my chest and watch as she slides off his lap and squats in front of him. The next thing I know, he's screaming and wailing like he's fucking dying. Tor backs away just enough that I can see the knife, still in her hand, is planted in his crotch. I taste vomit hit the back of my throat, and instinctively cup my balls. When she releases the knife, it stays put.

"Holy fuck, woman! Did you just nail his nuts to the chair?" A large red stain bleeds from the crotch of his jeans and spreads down his thighs. "I may cut fuckers tongues out, but even I have a fucking line..."

She glances over her shoulder at me, and she's fucking smiling! "We need him to talk." She turns back to him. "Now, where is Joe?" she asks in that prissy accent of hers.

"I..." he stammers, his face washing white like he's going to pass out any second.

"Mussa, right now, your testicles are impaled on this knife, and as unpleasant as that is, you do still have them. However, I'm not a patient person. So, if you'd like to keep them..." She grabs his hair, yanking his head back as she inches her face toward his. "I suggest you fucking tell me where he is."

He doesn't say a word. His lips tremble, sweat beads on his forehead.

"Tell. Me," she demands and exerts some pressure on the handle of the knife.

He howls and blows deep breaths from his lips trying to manage the pain. Tor jerks the blade up, then slams it down between his legs again. He lets out a blood curdling scream. Fuck, someone is going to hear this shit.

"Pretty sure you lost one that time," she says, her face completely expressionless. "Tell me, Mussa." She leans forward until her lips are at his ear. "Joe took something from me, and I just want to return the favour..." She yanks the knife out of the chair, her body tensing as she uses most of her weight to free it from the wood. Her gaze is locked on the tattered, bloody material of his jeans. "Have you heard the saying, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'?" she whispers as she twists the blood covered blade between her fingers. "I am fucking scorned, Mussa, and I will kill you without a second thought if you stand in my way." She rises, looming over him. "Your choice. I can castrate you before, or after I let Jude have you. Such a crying shame to think you may be buried as the dickless bastard you are."

Holy fucking shit, when did Tor become so fucking violent? The fucked up part is that it's making my damn dick hard.

She paces, her movements agitated like a cat that's about to stop toying with its prey and end it. And I see the exact moment she decides she's done. She takes a step toward him and brings the blade back, ready to strike and slit his throat.

"Tor!" I grab her wrist, and she snaps her head around. The expression on her face is devoid. She's about to kill him, and there's nothing there. On anyone else I wouldn't think twice about it but on her... it's fucking wrong. She's covered in blood, she's angry, she's fucking vicious, and shit, how much harder can my dick get over this? I bite down on my lip.

"Stop." I nod. "You gotta stop, doll."

"Please..." Mussa mumbles. "Please..."

A smile creeps over my mouth, and I squeeze Tor's shoulders. This right here makes me think she may be a bit crazy, but damn, she fucked him up. I step toward Mussa, pointing back at Tor. "I'll let her keep at you unless you tell me where to find Joe."

"He's out of the country," he manages his words through heavy breaths.


"I don't..." he chokes on a painful moan. "I don't know. He doesn't tell me things like that." Mussa’s chin drops to his chest.

