Wrath Read Book Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole (Wrong #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 85183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

I want him. I always want him, but right now, I feel connected to him on an entirely new level. It's as though I physically need his touch. My fingers rake across the smooth skin of his chest as I drag myself up the bed, trying to get closer to him. I move until I'm straddling his body, his fingers gripping my hips to steady me. The hot skin of his sides presses against my bare thighs, making me tremble. His hands drift over my waist as his tongue brushes mine, his fingers tracing the strip of exposed skin at my back. My breath comes in ragged bursts, my skin breaking into goose bumps under his gentle touch.

I nip at his lip and feel his cock hardening, pressing against me.

He makes a pained sound in the back of his throat and gently pushes me away, holding me by my shoulders. "Tor." His voice is raspy and sex laced. I bite my lip as my eyes lock with his. I can see the want written all over his face. "Fuck, I..." his eyes trail down to my stomach.

I scowl at him. "I swear to God, Jude..."

He shakes his head. “You’re pregnant..."

He cannot be serious? "Yes, I remember," I growl.

I grab his chin, forcing my lips to his. He kisses me back, but it's hesitant, careful. I rip my lips away from his and I lose it. Before I can even stop myself, I slap him. Hard. His head snaps to the side, the noise reverberating around the room. I'm going to blame hormones and sexual frustration.

His eyes widen, and I notice his jaw tick. He takes several deep breaths, his fingers digging into my hips. "Watch it," he growls.

"Or what?" I whisper, narrowing my eyes. Daring him.

"Don't fucking make me lose my shit. You know my buttons, don't fucking press them."

That's exactly what I'm trying to do. My blood hammers through my veins, and all I can hear is my own pulse in my ears. Fear. Adrenaline. Lust. It's a heady mix.

"Fuck me, and I won't have to push your buttons." I cock an eyebrow at him as he glares back at me. I take the hem of my t-shirt and slowly lift it up my body, exposing myself to him inch by inch. A tortured groan leaves his lips, and I smile. He may act angry, but his cock is like iron pressed against my pussy. He's turned on, even if he won't admit it, and it makes me brave, stupidly so.

Tossing my shirt onto the floor, I lean forward and kiss him again as I trace my tongue across his bottom lip, before biting him gently. My hands creep up his chest and wrap around his throat. He growls against my lips as my fingers tighten. He grabs my hair, fisting it as he throws me down on the bed on my back and pins me underneath his massive frame. My hands fall away from him, and he takes them, pinning both my wrists with one hand and pulling them above my head.

He cocks an eyebrow at me and lowers his face, his lips barely brushing against mine. "Woman, I will say this one fucking time, that is the only time you will ever put your hands around my throat." His voice is guttural and strained as it rumbles over me.

He grabs my underwear and tears them from me, making me gasp. He roughly drags one finger over my pussy, pushing inside me. "You want me to fuck you?" He pushes his boxers down and holds his cock against me. "What do you have to do if you want me to fuck you, huh?"

I bite my lip as violent tremors wrack my body. I tilt my hips up, desperately seeking more pressure, more friction, just more.

He laughs. "Come on, Tor. Be a good girl and beg me for it."

"I fucking hate you," I snap, but it's lost on a breathy moan as he brushes his thumb against my clit. I feel like I'm on fire.

"Really?" He pushes two fingers deep inside me, and my entire body thrashes against him. "This right here feels like you really fucking hate me." He pulls his fingers out, and one by one slips them into his mouth, sucking me off of them. Oh, my God. I think my ovary just imploded. A slow smirk makes its way over his face. Bastard knows exactly what he's doing.

He lowers his face until his lips are at my ear. "Beg. Me." His teeth nip at my earlobe. Damn him, and his sexy as fuck voice and face and body.

"Fuck me!" I practically scream at him.

"Mmm, that's not begging," he whispers in my ear, his hands groping at my full breasts as he grinds his cock against my pussy.

