Wrath Read Book Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole (Wrong #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 85183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

"Be still," I grunt as I fight to restrain him.

Tor binds his hands and feet. The entire time Mussa is thrashing around.

"Fucking..." I raise the gun, aiming at his knee cap. A small pop sounds through the silencer when I pull the trigger. "Stop moving," I say.

Tossing his head back, he screams bloody murder.

"Ew, Jude," Tor whines. I glance at her, and there's blood spatter across her chest. The ends of her blonde hair are stained red. "You couldn't have waited until I moved?" she asks.

I'm not sure if I should be worried that she doesn't give two shits that I just shot this guy or not, but it makes me grin a little. "Don't start with me, woman." I wipe the sweat from my brow and glare at her.

She ignores me and picks up a discarded piece of clothing from the floor. She grabs the back of Mussa's head, shoving the material into his mouth to muffle his cries. "Shut. The fuck. Up!" she says, rolling her eyes.

I'm out of breath from struggling against him, my chest heaving rapidly. My eyes rake over his body. This bastard thought he was going to fuck her, and that does not set well with me at all. I slam my fist over his face. It's been so long since I've beat someone, and all the rage I've been harboring toward Joe seeps to the surface. Damn, does it feel fucking good to beat the fuck out of him. I keep punching Mussa until I feel my knuckles split open, and I stop to catch my breath.

I snatch his jaw, jerking his face to mine as I yank the gag from his mouth. "Where the fuck is Joe?"

He laughs, blood bubbling at his lips. "Fuck you." His thick accent makes that comment seem all the more demeaning. I grab his chin, twisting his jaw and shoving the gag back in. I swing my fist back and punch him in the gut. He tries to double over, but the restraints stop him.

"This is going to take all bloody night at this rate," Tor grumbles, sighing impatiently.

I glare at her. "I can go all fucking night." I raise my bloodied fist up and hit him once more, feeling the bones of his cheek crush beneath the force.

"Well, the longer this takes, the more likelihood there is of someone missing him. He doesn't strike me as more than a ten minute kind of guy." She smirks.

"You cannot be serious? Fuck, woman. Just... stay over there, would you?" I point to the corner of the room. I'm about to go back at him, and she starts in again.

"Well, hurry the fuck up with it!"

I stalk over to her, snatching the knife from her hand. "Hurry the fuck up with it then," I mock her under my breath. Shit this woman knows how to grate my damn nerves sometimes.

I drop my hand and turn as I wipe the blood down my shirt. "You want to find Joe, or not? You can't hurry fucking torture." I yank the material out of Mussa's mouth again and grab his chin, pressing the tip of the blade to his throat. I set my eyes on his in a cold stare. "Tell me where he is."

He laughs, his teeth gritted in pain. I shove the old t-shirt back between his lips and throw another three punches at him until his face is a bloody mess.

"He's going to bleed out," Tor says in a bored voice. I glance up, sweat dripping down my temples, and find her sitting on the bed, inspecting her bright red nails.

Groaning, I tilt my head back to look at the ceiling. This fucking woman... "Real helpful there."

"Let me try."

I can't help but laugh in disbelief. "Let you..." I drag my hand down my face and glance back at the guy drifting in and out of consciousness. "Let you try? Jesus Christ, who the hell are you?"

She flips me off before pushing in front of me, standing between me and Mussa.

"You're gonna get blood on you..." I snicker.

She narrows her gaze on me before swinging a leg over his lap and fucking straddling him.

"Since when is a goddamn lap dance torture?" I growl, grabbing her shoulder and trying to pull her away from him.

Her head whips to the side, and she shoots a glare at me daring me to touch her again. "Go brood in the corner or something," she says as she lifts a brow at me. Fuck me is she walking a fine fucking line.

All I can do is stare at her, wondering what in the hell crazy-ass demon possessed her. I'm almost ready to tie her the fuck up so I can get this shit over with, but as sick and twisted as it is, I feel like she needs this. She's just as angry as I am, and she needs to get that out.

