Warlock – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38439 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)


I thrust my hips upward, moving inside her in a slow, gentle glide. “Hurt?”

“What? No! There’s no pain.”

“Good.” I urged her to sit, stopping my movement so she could adjust to the new sensations. “You’re in control,” I said. “Get a feel for what you like and how to move to get more of it.”

“But… what if I do it wrong?”

“Baby, there’s no right or wrong in this. You do what feels good. If you can’t get there, you tell me, and I’ll help you.” I rested my hands on her thighs, rubbing up to her hips occasionally while she experimented with her movements.

She did exactly what I told her to do. Taking her time, she moved a few different ways, adjusting her position. Her body was tense, but I continued my slow stroking of her thighs and hips. Hope placed her hands on my chest, her arms framing her lovely breasts as she started a gentle rocking motion. Every now and then her pussy would spasm around me, and she’d shiver in reaction.

“Feel good?”


“How can I make it better?”

She shook her head, looking distressed. “I don’t… I don’t know!”

I moved my thumb to her clit and rubbed slightly. Instantly, her eyes got wide, and her mouth opened. Her pussy spasmed around me, and she shuddered once before her head fell back on her shoulders and she cried out. Her body erupted in sweat as she trembled around me. I pulled her back down so I could put my arms around her while she rode it out. Her hips moved in erratic snaps.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck yourself like that.” Again, her pussy gripped me and she groaned.

“You can’t say things like that, Max!”

I grinned at her. “Why not? I think your little pussy likes it. I know my cock likes it when your pussy squeezes me.”

She pushed up so she could look at me, her eyes wide. “You can feel that?”

“Oh, yeah. Which is why I’m gonna talk dirty to you every single time I get a chance.” Hope bit her bottom lip and glanced away. “Tell me what you want. This only works if we talk to each other in everything.”

“Will you… I mean, I like it when you’re on top of me.” Her breath caught as she spoke, and her skin was a lovely shade of pink. It should have looked odd with her reddish-orange hair, but she looked as beautiful as the day is long.

I pulled her down for a kiss and slowly rolled us so I was on top of her. Her legs tightened around my waist, and she met my kiss with kisses of her own. She was demanding without being aggressive, a trait unique to my Hope. There was no doubt in my mind now. Hope was the perfect woman for me. My mother knew me better than I knew myself, it seemed. I was sorry I would never be able to thank her.

* * *


The pleasure was overwhelming. Warlock was so far out of my league as to not even be believed. I didn’t know how much I believed him when he said he wanted to be with me and knew I was a fool for initiating this, but I wanted the experience. I knew I’d never meet another man who made me feel things so intensely. He was larger than life. A man I’d built a fantasy around only to have it shattered. He hadn’t been needlessly cruel to me like he had that first day, but it was painfully obvious he didn’t really want me. Hearing him now, though…

Maybe I had one more chance in me. All I knew was, once Warlock was on top of me everything seemed to click into place. His kisses were intoxicating, making my head spin. I gripped his hips, digging my heels into his ass as he moved. Every stroke of his cock ignited a fire inside me I had no hope of smothering.

My breasts mashed against his chest, his chest hair abrading my nipples deliciously. There were so many new sensations I couldn’t keep up. Warlock didn’t seem to mind. He paid attention to my reactions and adjusted accordingly. His wicked encouragement was like another hand to pet me with, and I was as stimulated by his dirty words as I was by his cock deep inside me.

I came once more, my body seizing for several seconds before I was even able to scream. “Oh, God!”

“You ready for me to fuck you hard now?” Warlock’s whisper in my ear was a wicked enticement. And sent me spiraling over the edge once again.

“Yes,” I gasped. “Please, yes!”

I had no idea what I was asking for. When Warlock began surging into me with faster and harder strokes, I nearly lost my mind.

I thrashed and clawed at Warlock’s back where I had my arms around him. I arched up to meet his hips so that our skin slapped loudly in the room. His grunts were as sexy as his words. I loved knowing he was taking pleasure in what he was doing. He’d yet to pull his cock out of me, even after he’d come the first time. Which was when it hit me.

