Warlock – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38439 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“Warlock?” I tried to push him back, needing to say something.

“What is it, baby?” He continued to kiss me while he fucked me, though he’d slowed the pace somewhat.

“Mmmm…” God, I loved kissing him! He’d been my first kiss. The first guy to touch me. Given me my first orgasm… My brain was short circuiting!

“Tell me, baby. I can’t make you feel good if you don’t tell me what you need.”

“You came inside me,” I whispered.

“Believe me, I know, honey. And I never want to come anywhere else but in your sweet pussy.” Then he grinned at me. “Unless it’s in your sweet ass. Or your sweet mouth.”

I was done.

I came in a wet rush, all the outrageous things he kept saying taking me over. The second I screamed, Warlock caught it with his mouth on mine, sweeping his tongue inside to tangle with mine. His movements sped up, as did the intensity. He growled as he kissed me, surging inside me in a teeth-clattering ride.

When I screamed again, I felt Warlock come inside me a second time. He held himself deep, letting his cock pump his cum into my pussy in great jerks. As my body settled, riding the wave back down to earth, Warlock settled himself over me, continuing to kiss me. Gently. His words were now filled with tender praise as he kissed my cheek and neck before ending back at my lips, and he kissed me like I mattered.

“That’s my beautiful girl,” he murmured. “So responsive. Exactly what I’ve always wanted in a lover.”

He lifted his head, rubbing his nose against mine. I blinked up at him, feeling more vulnerable than I ever had.

“But, what about in everything else?”

He smiled. “You’re perfect for me, Hope. The mere fact you haven’t asked one of my men here to kill me is proof enough you’re perfect for me. This is an added bonus.”

“I can’t share you, Warlock. If you want another woman, you tell me now.”

“I’m not sure which woman here put these thoughts in your head, but I will never stray from you, Hope. I’ll never want another woman. Only you. But --” He grinned widely. “-- I’m gonna want you a lot. Every day. Multiple times a day.”

The giggle burst out of me. I couldn’t help it! Then I remembered. “You came inside me twice. What if I’m pregnant?”

He shrugged. “Since we’re already married, I don’t see the issue. If you’re pregnant, we’ll raise the child together.”

“OK, then.” It settled my mind, but it wasn’t everything I wanted. Only time could give me that. But I’d take this. “Together.”

“Yeah, baby. Together.”

Chapter Eight


Christmas Eve

“I am not doing this.” I really wasn’t. Nope. I was not turning in my man card and wearing a fucking Santa suit.

“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun.” Then Hope went and gave me that fucking brilliant, beautiful smile, and I found myself stripping. Getting ready to put on that fucking Santa suit. Then a wicked thought occurred to me.

“Persuade me.” She gave me a confused smile as she undressed for her own Elf costume. I stepped out of my boxer briefs and gripped the base of my cock, giving it a lazy stroke.

Her eyes widened, then she slid her panties down her shapely thighs, stepping out of them on her way to me. When she reached me, instead of wrapping her arms around my neck like I’d expected, she sank to her knees and reached for my cock.

“Ah, hell…” I knew I was in trouble. I held my breath while she brought her mouth to me, taking a tentative lick of the head of my dick. The instant there was contact, my hand shot to her head, my fingers tunneling through her hair. “Fuck!”

That seemed to be her encouragement. Hope sucked me into her mouth. At first, she was tentative, as if she were unsure exactly how to go about it. As she experimented with how to move, she got bolder, until she was sucking as much of my length as she could comfortably take.

“Christ, that feels good!”

“Mmm…” She hummed around my cock, wrapping a delicious vibration around me. The longer she continued, the bolder she became, grabbing my buttocks and kneading as she sucked.

“That’s it, Hope. Fuck! So fuckin’ good! Suck me down.”

She obeyed, taking me as deep as she could. She gagged, but didn’t stop. In fact, it seemed to give her courage. She continued, taking me even deeper. She couldn’t keep it up for long, but it was long enough for me to realize I’d created a monster. This girl was eager to please me. I wasn’t sure I was going to survive this.

“Get up, girl,” I growled and pulled her to her feet by her hair. When she met my gaze, there was an almost maniacal gleam in her eyes. “Need to fuck you.”

