Warlock – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38439 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“I’m fine.” It was an automatic answer. If I were honest, I really wasn’t fine. I missed Mrs. Wagner and hated that feeling of being all alone again.

“Are not. About shit like this, you’re a fuckin’ awful liar.”

“Are you always so abrasive?” I wanted to push Warlock away. Not only had he seen me at my worst, but I still needed to lick my wounds before I was ready to face him again.

“Nope. I’m usually worse. I’m making an effort for you.”

I snorted. “I’d hate to see what you’re normally like.”

“You ready to talk?”

“I assume your people have the annulment process started.” I shrugged. “I don’t really see any reason to talk unless there are things you need me to do. Do I need to go back to Indiana now?”

“No.” His tone was soft, but his answer succinct. I wasn’t sure which question he’d answered.

When he said nothing else, I sat still, afraid to move. I knew he didn’t like me, but I wanted to be in his presence as long as he’d allow it. It was pathetic, but I couldn’t help myself. Especially after earlier. Being in his arms had made something inside me shift. For the first time since Mrs. Wagner had passed away, I felt hope. For happiness. For a sense of belonging. For a happy, fulfilling future.

“Tell me what happened between you and my mother.”

“Not much to tell. I helped her. She grew to like me.” I sniffed, tears threatening. After my earlier release of emotions, I was better able to hold on to them.

“I’d say there was quite a bit to tell.” He leaned forward, the light from the bathroom spilling over his face. He didn’t look like he pitied me or was angry with me. He looked genuinely curious. And determined. “My mother didn’t like being in the presence of people she didn’t consider equal. That tells me you were special to her. She saw something in you that she believed worth her time.”

“I doubt it was as complicated as all that. I was kind to her. She was kind to me. I think she was as lonely as I was and we… I don’t know. Fit.”

“My mother was never lonely. And if she was, it was because she drove people away from her on purpose.” He leaned his forearms on his knees, lacing his fingers. “You loved her.” It wasn’t a question.

“I did,” I answered softly.


The question caught me off guard. “Because she was good to me.”

“Did she love you?”

“I have no idea.” This time, my answer was barely a whisper. It was that question that had driven me over the edge.

“Why do you think she did this? Married us.”

“All I know is what I told you before. She wanted you happy.”

“And what about you? Did she take into account your happiness?” I wished I could see his face clearly. The light from the bathroom spilled across him, but there was too much shadow to see his features to read him.

“She knew I’d be happy if I could make you happy enough for you to stay with me.”

He shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense. You’ll have to explain.”

“My past is my own business, Warlock.” I’d sound too pathetic if I explained my past to him.

“We’re married, Hope. My wife can’t have secrets from me.”

“Our marriage is going to be annulled. There’s no reason --”

“Ain’t annulled yet. Give me a reason why I should let it stand.”

I wasn’t naive enough to think he was asking a question I had a choice in answering. This was a man demanding answers and expected to get them. Mrs. Wagner had told me he was the most stubborn person she’d ever met. Except maybe for herself.

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. Talk to me, Hope. You obviously wanted a husband. You have one. Treat me like one and talk to me. That’s the only way this works.”

“You’re confusing me. I thought you didn’t want a wife.”

“Pretend I do.” He sounded so reasonable. I knew it was foolish, and I was probably acting too stupid to live, but I found it easy to pretend.

“Pretending is what I’m best at.”

“Then tell me, Hope. What happened between you and my mother?”

“She… I don’t know. Adopted me? She said I was the daughter she never had. She said I was God’s second chance for her to do right by her son and that, maybe, by doing right by you she could do right by me, too.”

“Good. Now tell me the rest.”

“This isn’t easy to tell, Warlock.”

“Call me Max. My mother always called me Maximilian, but I’m not a Maximilian. Max.”

“All right. Max, then.” I cleared my throat.

“Wait. I’ll be right back.” He stood and left the room. I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he’d changed his mind. No such luck. He returned less than five minutes later with two bottles of water. He opened one and handed it to me before opening the other for himself. “Now. Talk to me, Hope. I know firsthand my mother isn’t an easy woman to love. Tell me why you loved her so much.”

