Warlock – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38439 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, do that.”

I turned her around, wrapping one arm around her chest, the other around her waist. My cock found her entrance, and I plunged home. We both groaned. I spread my feet to bring me closer to her level, then I began to fuck her.

The new position seemed to thrill Hope as she panted, gripping my arms and hanging on and letting me have her. Her cries and pants grew louder in our room. I found the side of her neck and fastened my mouth there, which made her gasp and shudder in my arms.

“Fuck, girl! You’re a biker’s wet dream come true.”

“Are you gonna come in me, Max?”

“You bet your sweet ass I’m gonna come in you. Gonna fill you so full…”

“Please! Oh, God! Please, Max! Please!”

Her pleas were the sweetest music. Instantly, my cock swelled, the need to come paramount. I shifted my hold to find her clit and worked it. I was going to come. But, by God, she was going to come first.

The second she clamped down on me and screamed out her orgasm, I unloaded, pumping her full of hot, sticky cum. I held myself as deep as I could, wanting to get it as far inside her as possible. It was a primitive marking. A claim. One I intended to repeat every day for the rest of my life.

When we were both spent, I carried her to the bathroom. I’m not sure how I managed. My legs felt like Jell-O. I sat her on the vanity, then braced my hands beside her hips, lowering my forehead to her shoulder to catch my breath.

“Wow,” she said with a chuckle.

“Indeed. Want to stay up here and have our own private Christmas party?”

She pushed me away, giving me a stern look. “That was your persuasion! You have to go with me as Santa now! It’s a done deal!” She looked so alarmed, I let out a bark of laughter.

“Mercy on an old man. I’m not gonna be any good at this.”

“You’ll be wonderful. Besides, Jerrica will be heartbroken if I don’t go. And I’m not going without you.” She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me an adorable pout.

I gave her a scowl, trying not to laugh and ruin the effect. “Fine. But don’t think I don’t know you’re trying to manage me with sex.”

She gave me a bright smile. “As long as we’re clear on that.” Then she hopped off the counter, wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a quick kiss before snagging a washcloth. She washed herself and bounded back into the bedroom. I’d never seen anyone so eager for a Christmas party as my girl was.

I grinned. Something had come for me today. Something I was eager to give Hope. And, once again, I had my mother to thank for the timely gift. Damned woman knew me all too well. The years we’d spent apart seemed like a waste now. Both of us too damned stubborn to compromise when we had time. I was glad she had Hope the last few years of her life. She was more than a substitute for me. Hope brought sunshine wherever she went. My mother needed her light as much as I did.

The party was long and degrading. I was pretty sure more than one kid peed on me. I have no idea if it was from excitement or fear, though I tried to smile to take the sting out of my hard features. One boy bullied his way through the line to the front. He was about eight or nine and knew better. I knew so because more than one adult had scolded him. The kid would catch their backs turned and shove the child in front of him out of line until he’d made his way to the front.

He approached me with a cocky smirk. Like he thought getting whatever he wanted was a foregone conclusion. The fact was, in most cases, the kids got exactly what they asked for. Not sure how that worked other than El Diablo was a sneaky bastard. This kid was more than I could take when the only place I wanted to be was upstairs in my room with my cock buried balls-deep in my woman. And I had a present for her that I desperately wanted to give her.

I gave the kid a hard stare. The look I usually reserved for prospects who’d royally fucked up. The boy took one look at me. Did a double take. The color drained from his face, and he promptly puked on my boots. That sent the rest of the line scurrying off. Guess it was time for a break.

“What’d you say to that kid?” Hope’s eyes were big and round.

“Didn’t say nothing. But I’m bettin’ he doesn’t bully his way to the front of the line anymore.”

