The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

His pace slows in an instant, telling me that his edge of ruthlessness was induced by a fear he was unable to control. Fear that I might say no. I’ve mastered part of his complicated mind. And I’m making it my mission to master the rest. I want to know him inside out. Like I feel he knows me. He knows everything now, including Sebastian’s physical abuse. There’s a very simple reason why I kept it to myself. Some people see weakness in a woman who stands for that. Some people would be unbearably sympathetic. I’m comfortable with neither. Jake knows that. He knows me.

We’re back to a steady rhythm, and now that we’ve clarified where we stand, we’re both climbing to a release that I know is going to knock us out.

His face plummets into my neck, his teeth grazing my flesh as I throw my head back and let my climax claim me. His thick cock is rolling on long pulses each time he pushes into me, swiveling his hips and circling deeply.

“Oh God!” It comes fast and furiously, blowing my world into a haze of bliss with its intensity. “Oh! Oh! Oh my God!” I sink my nails into Jake’s back, and he roars into my neck, bucking and jerking against me.

I know the second he finds his own release, not only because the hot essence of him floods me. His knees give out and take us to the shower floor, and Jake rolls to his back, taking me with him. His breathing is strained and loud.

“Fucking hell.” He releases me and throws his arms over his head as I ride the waves of his heaving body.

I’m inclined to agree.

My world has spun off its axis and is barreling into the unknown.

* * *

I come to in a haze of peace and darkness in my bed, Jake swathing me completely, his arms wrapped around me where I lay on his chest. It must be the middle of the day, but my drawn curtains are keeping the light at bay. I feel so sated. So peaceful. Like an invisible weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Looking up at his serene face, I smile. Then I slowly start to peel my body away, smiling more when he opens one eye and frowns at me.

“I have a call to make,” I tell him. “My agent has some details on some new campaigns I’m fronting and a shoot I have tomorrow.”

“Be quick,” he murmurs, relinquishing his hold of me and rolling onto his front.

I plan on being quick. Pulling on my T-shirt, I find my phone, noting a few missed calls from Heather, and call my agent, listening as she reels off the finer details before listing some suggested changes to my portfolio. I’m hearing it all, but my mind is still in the bedroom with Jake, reliving every second from last night and early this morning. I’m itching to get back to him.

When I hang up, I start to make my way back to the bedroom, but my phone in my hand vibrates and for a fleeting moment, I worry that my father has found out about me and Jake. Then I laugh, because how could he know?

I see Heather’s name and take the call. “Hey.”

“Oh my God, Camille!”

I back up into the kitchen and rest my arse on the worktop. “What?” I ask nonchalantly. Call me a terrible friend, but I can’t tell her what’s happened. I don’t want anyone to know. I trust her, of course, but it’s…complicated.

“Are you serious? I saw your face last night when he carried you out. And I saw his!”

“He was doing his job, Heather.”

“Fuck off, Camille!” She sounds truly annoyed. I can’t blame her, but my guilt doesn’t prompt me to confirm what she thinks she knows. “Where’s Jake?”

“On his laptop,” I lie, avoiding the fact that he’s still in bed. My bed. Where I plan on being the moment Heather stops interrogating me and gets off the phone.

“Right.” She sighs. “I can tell I’m going to get nowhere here.”

“There’s nowhere to go.”


“Please don’t,” I blurt, cutting her off. “I don’t ever want to talk about him again.”

She’s silent for a few seconds before she breathes out tiredly. She can’t possibly argue with that. “For the record, Cami, I’m glad Jake was there.”

“Me too,” I answer quietly.

“What are you up to?”

“Going over my portfolio.”

“Want some help?”

My guilt intensifies as I glance toward my bedroom door. “I’m good, thanks. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay.” Heather relents after a loud sigh, before she hangs up. I waste no time tearing myself up for lying. I run back to my room and climb into bed, smiling when Jake seizes me and tugs me into his front, spooning me deliciously.

“We’re staying here until tomorrow,” he says in my ear, rough and sleepily.

