The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

I answer her silent pleading and go to her, taking sure, even strides.

I let my eyes caress her, storing every inch of her skin to memory as I go. I fight off the notion that my subconscious is doing that for a reason. Like it’s preparing for the inevitable. Like maybe I won’t get the privilege of her in the flesh for long.

When I’m standing at the edge of the bed, her chin lifts so she can look at me. Our eyes meet and I pray she doesn’t see the way my body has started to shake. I’m panicking about the damage I can do to her, the hatred I can poison her with. The darkness I can drown her light in.

“I’m no good for you, Camille,” I warn her. The details don’t matter. I won’t burden her with them more than I have already. I’m doing this out of duty—warning her because I feel I should. Gallant, maybe, but I don’t know what I’ll do if she listens to me.

When I expect her to recoil, hurt, she moves in closer instead, shifting her bum forward on the bed. She takes my hand and tugs, bringing me down to my knees before her. I go willingly. Her legs wrap around my waist, the strength of her thighs constricting around me defying reason. Then, sliding her palms up my stomach to my shoulders, she pulls me in and crushes our chests together, her face hiding in the crook of my neck. The feeling of belonging overshadows that panic, and I calm instantly, following her lead. I coil my arms around her back and once again marvel at her strength and determination. She’s so damn strong. I stand, her body attached to mine, the weight of her feeling so right on me, and walk to the bathroom, flipping the shower on. I keep her held snugly to my chest, blanketing her with my body while allowing peace to blanket me. My efforts to frighten her away are feeble. Because I don’t want her to go.

I sink into her clinch while the shower warms and try to clear my mind of everything except the fulfilment I’m feeling in this tender moment. Tender. Something, again, that is new and alien to me. Last night, after ripping that scumbag to shreds, my priority was making her feel safe. I’m not skirting the fact that my cock ached with need, but I’m aware that I had a stronger need to rain devotion on her. I didn’t want to just fuck her. I stopped that manic kiss before I could do what’s instinctual to me—screw her with nothing but the purpose of release. I wanted to relish in her unraveling under my gentle attention. And I did, enjoying every second more than I should have allowed myself to.

Once steam surrounds us, I walk us into the shower and lower her to her feet. Camille drops to her knees, surprising me, and looks up at me with heavy, searching eyes. I see her intent and drop my head back, bracing myself.

She grabs my hips and hauls them forward, my cock finding her mouth like there’s a radar attached.

“Holy shit!” My palms cup the back of her head, my thigh muscles wobble.

The warmth of her mouth around my pulsing dick is incomparable to anything I’ve experienced. My head drops down, finding her hair, a waterfall of blonde caging her in. I want to see her. I want to see her mouth work me into a haze of ecstasy. I reach around and pull a handful of hair away from her face.

The sight is something that’ll never leave me. Exquisite. Her mouth glides like it’s on rails, up and down, slowly and carefully, her eyes closed in bliss. Freeing my strung muscles, I relax and accept the pleasure she’s inflicting. My plan to reject her was destined to fail whether she tempted me or not. She’s one huge force of temptation.

My hand slides onto her cheek, and she moans around her mouth full of cock, grazing her teeth down my flesh teasingly. My balls go tight and my knees weak, my palm skating from her cheek to the back of her head, my hips starting to flex in time with her mouth’s advances. “Oh Jesus Christ,” I gasp.

She moans again, this time more deeply, the vibrations tickling the tip of my cock when it meets the back of her throat. Then she retreats and slides her hand around the base, holding firmly as she licks and laps at my wet tip, pulling a long draw up my shaft that pushes a bead of pre-cum from the tip. I drop my head and watch as she laps it up like it could be the sweetest thing she’s ever tasted, groaning her pleasure as she does.

