The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

And though I’m savoring each lick, lap, and suck she delivers, thriving on the incredible sensations she’s inducing, I have an urge to take more from her. I clench my fist in her hair and gently tug her from my groin, smiling a little when she looks up at me, slighted. I don’t give her time to ask what’s up with me. I could never explain, anyway. I pull her up my body with a forceful yank of her arm and walk her back until I have her held prisoner against the slippery tiles. She gasps, looking up at me in shock.

“Thank you,” I say, truly grateful for her attention. But it’s my job to lavish her with the time and attention she deserves. I reach down to the back of her thigh and pull it up to my waist. “You’re good, Camille, but nothing will match the feel of your tight, warm pussy wrapped around my cock.”

Satisfaction reflects in her topaz eyes, a contented grin stretching across her face. Then she lifts her other leg and captures me in her hold, constricting tightly before releasing to allow me to guide myself to her. I can smell me all over her, the intoxicating mix of my clean sweat and her feminine floral scent a heady combination.

I push in a little, breaching the initial tightness. It steals my breath. Her lips, wet and inviting, pull me in and I kiss her as I advance the rest of the way, filling her completely. The hot softness of her passage is comparable only to a fleece blanket wrapping around my entire body and warming me through. The rightness. The gratification. The comfort. The tranquility. It’s a quick reality check. It’s an indication that I’ve just wasted too many hours beating myself up over something that feels so incredibly natural, it can’t possibly be wrong. I won’t waste any more time trying to make sense of this, or trying to talk my way out of it.

Mine. And not even I will take that away from me.

Chapter 16


He’s being as careful and delicate with me as he was last night, despite having me pinned to a wall. My relief is only doubling my pleasure. He might be able to fool himself, but he can’t fool me. Every word he said to me last night is engraved on my brain. He can’t scratch it away with feigned grit or a pathetic attempt to be professional. He can’t half-heartedly warn me off. I’m not stupid, and he knows it. He knows me. Not the person the media perceives or what my heritage dictates I should be.

He sees me.

I’m not about to let him forget that.

His back is slippery, but it feels good under my palms, my mouth working in perfect sync with his, our tongues rolling, our moans mingling. He’s pumping into me with precision, pushing me up the wall a little each time. I let my palms slide over his wet skin and into his damp hair, weaving and feeling, putting weight behind my touch to push his lips harder to mine.

His cock feels like the softest of velvet as it glides in and out of me, each advance pushing me closer to release, each retreat making me moan with despair. For such a big, sometimes menacing man, his way with me, how tender and caring he’s being, only makes me want him more.

I’m totally taken by him.

He bites my lip gently and pulls away, dragging my lip through his teeth until he’s staring at me, his eyes full of wonder. “You feel amazing,” he says, taking his hands to the back of my thighs and jerking me up, deepening our connection.

I cry out, feeling him all the way to my womb.

He just smiles, clearly loving the effect he’s having. “Did you feel that?” His voice adopts an edge of harshness.

I nod and breathe through the intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain.

“Good.” He digs his fingers into my thighs and hits me with another well-thought-out smash of his powerful body.

This time I scream.

“You’re mine, Camille Logan!” He releases his hands and slams them into the wall either side of my head. Bang! “Can you accept that?”

I scream again, throwing my head back. Does he actually want me to answer that? Thinking straight when he’s inflicting this level of decadent pleasure on me isn’t fair! “Jake!” I cry, tossing my head from side to side as he continues to punish me with hard hits.

He’s not being so gentle anymore. He’s being brutal, but once I convince my head to fall back down and my vision clears, I still see tenderness in his dark eyes. His instinct to pound into me is nothing more than desperate hope. He’s getting carried away, and I realize that telling him what he needs to hear is actually very easy. “I can accept that,” I pant, cupping his cheeks and thriving on the instant relief that washes across his stubbled face.

