The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

I stare across the planes of Jake’s chest, tucked into his side, our legs a tangle of limbs, half-covered by the sheets. His arm is holding me in place, his head slightly dropped to the side. His heart is throbbing an even, steady beat under my ear. He’s asleep. Not snoozing lightly like always; half-awake and aware. He’s deep in sleep. It’s the first time I’ve seen him looking so at ease.

I walk my fingers up his chest, unable to resist feeling him. His jaw is shaded with his usual stubble, his lips full and parted as my fingertips drift onto them lightly. He doesn’t flinch, his eyes still closed. I just watch him, wondering what today might bring.

Should I brave a visit to my father and tell him about me and Jake? Or should I just call him? Or maybe I just don’t tell him at all and run away with Jake? When I decided to make my excuses so I could leave my father’s party, I knew that if I did, it was going to change my life forever.

Jake is probably the only man on earth not intimidated by my father. It’s both a comfort and a worry. Dad sees my purpose as just another business transaction. And Jake has dared to get in his way. Whatever the fallout, it’s going to be immense.

But the comfort of having Jake by my side offers some security.

I sigh, snuggling back into his chest.

“That was a weary sigh.” His sleepy voice breaks into my thoughts, and his lids flutter open, revealing dark, concerned eyes.

“Just wondering about a few things.”

He moves lethargically, pulling himself down the bed and onto his side so our faces are level and close. His hand on my hip, he leans forward and kisses the tip of my nose. “You look inconceivably gorgeous this morning,” he says, and I smile. “Tell me what you’re wondering.”

“About my father. Do you really think he had Pete and Grant follow us?”

He watches me for a few moments, a fond smile on his lips. “Yes, I do.”

My lips purse. Since my dad has told me that he’s gotten to the bottom of the threats, there could be only one other reason for him to send them after us. “Because he thinks we’re…” I drift off, letting my eyes fall to his chin. I’m not sure how to word it. I can’t tell him I’ve fallen in love with him. Mostly because I still haven’t figured out how Jake sees us. How he feels. Apart from having a need to protect me that goes beyond his call of duty, what else does he feel? How deep is this for him?

Grabbing my arm, he hauls me up, manipulating my body to where he wants me, straddling his stomach. I go without protest, my mind a fuzz of thoughts. He brings my hands to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. It’s a loving gesture, and my thoughts distort further. The last time he let his personal emotions compromise his judgment, he said the consequences were grave. But I’m too scared to ask what happened. Or how it’s all connected to the woman in the photo. It’s obviously a painful story, but I’ve figured out one thing. He must have loved her. I feel terrible for hating that thought.

“Like it or not, angel, your father isn’t going to be happy. I’m prepared for that, and you should be, too.”

“I am,” I murmur, a little relieved that Jake and I seem to be thinking along the same lines. “Though when you say you’re prepared, what do you mean?” That’s a worry, too. I couldn’t allow or accept Jake going maniac on my father. I shudder, flashbacks of yesterday popping into my mind when he annihilated a crowd of grown men.

“He’s going to try to stop me from seeing you. I won’t let that happen.”

“How?” He’s being too vague. I need details to fully prepare.

His lip tips at the corner a little, as if he knows what I’m thinking. “I won’t hurt your father.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

“Thank you.” Massively relieved, I lower my chest onto his and snuggle into him, feeling the softness of his bristle rub into my temple.

Jake sighs, a long smooth sigh, his hand cupping the back of my head and holding me to him.

We relax into a lovely cuddle, and it’s all so very peaceful, until a subtle bang from beyond his bedroom door makes Jake’s relaxed body tense beneath mine. He stills and seems to stop breathing, and I start to push my way out of his embrace, but get tugged back down and held prisoner in his arms. His sudden alertness and the wary vibes make it impossible not to panic a little.

“Jake, what’s the matter?”

More sounds ring out, this time a collection of bangs, and this time louder. I’m removed from Jake’s body in a heartbeat. “Stay here,” he orders harshly, bolting up from the bed.

