The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

“Are you coming in?” she teases, flexing her fingers for me to release. I look down, thinking how perfect our two hands look entwined together, and squeeze a little, frowning as I do. What the fuck is happening to me? I drop her fast and step back, just as Saffron joins us.

She gives me the once-over before she speaks. “I might need to get me one of these.”

“Saffron!” Camille says scornfully, nudging her giggling friend.

“I’m not sorry.” She flips me a wink before taking Camille’s hand. “You going toilet?”

“If I’m allowed.” Cami looks at me seriously, and I find the strength to pull on my poker face.

“I’m coming in.” I’m not being a sicko. I’m just not comfortable with Camille out of my sight.

“You can’t!” she gasps, truly horrified. It goes way over my head. “You’ll be arrested!”

“Camille, do I look like a man who would get a sick thrill from a few women peeing behind cubicle doors?”

“No, but the other women might not agree!” She looks to Saffron as she commences dancing from one foot to another again. “Come on.”

I move forward. “Ca—”

Her whole palm slaps over my mouth, and I freeze, watching as her drunk eyes glaze over. What is that? Desire? She quickly backs off, her blues clearing somewhat as they drop like stones to the floor. “There’s no danger in there,” she murmurs quietly.

I force my heart to even out its beats. I can’t bear this. “Then you won’t mind if I check, will you?” I say clearly, evenly, watching as her head starts to nod jerkily. No objection? No fight? And, more significantly, no sass?

This is too much. I’m a sexually frustrated mess. I move past her and push the door to the ladies’ open, going to step inside…until the screams start. It takes a lot to make me jump, but it seems a gaggle of alarmed women does the trick.

“Fuck!” I release the door, just catching the looks of the few ladies at the mirror. Understandably, they aren’t happy. “Just go,” I snap impatiently at Camille, waving a pissed-off arm to the door. “And be quick!”

Both girls disappear into the ladies’ quickly, and I plant myself opposite the door, my back to the wall. Tonight has taken everything out of me. I’m fucking exhausted. Mentally and physically. When this assignment is over, I’m going to drink a crate of Jack, sleep for a year, and fuck for two.

The door opens and two ladies exit, tossing looks somewhere between attraction and disgust at me. It’s nothing I’m not used to.

“Ladies,” I say for the sake of it as they flounce away.

I crane my neck, spotting Camille in the mirror brushing at her cheeks, just before the door closes again. She looked flustered. A lot how I’m feeling. My arms come up and fold across my chest, my foot beginning to tap impatiently. A few moments later, another two girls exit. Camille’s still there, faffing with her hair. I roll my eyes and silently promise her one more minute before I go in and remove her.

It’s the longest minute of my fucking life. I realize she won’t be best impressed if I go charging in there, but my fucking heart is beginning to throb uncomfortably. Fuck it. She’ll get over it. I push my back from the wall and slam my palms into the wood, shoving the door open. It hits the tiles behind, but I’m not sure whether the noise is a result of that, or whether it’s a result of my head exploding.

My stomach drops into my feet, taking my heart and lungs with it. How the fuck did Sebastian Peters get in here without me noticing?

His hand flies forward and connects with Camille’s cheek on a sharp slap. “You stupid bitch!” he yells, shoving her to the floor. Her cheek hits the edge of the sink on a deafening crack. “Do you think I’m not good enough for you? You’re mine!”

I snap. My palm is squeezing his throat before I realize I’ve moved, and I’m walking him the rest of the way across the ladies in that hold. The force of his back hitting the wall sends vibrations up my arms and into my chest. And before I’ve even registered it, I’ve delivered two sharp, accurate cross hooks—one to his eye and one to his cheek. The sensations feel good. So fucking good. I draw my gun and yank the slide back, then ram it into his temple. He doesn’t know what’s hit him. Literally. He’s gasping for breath, his fingers grappling at my hold on his throat.

“Let me help you out,” I snarl, forcing the gun into his flesh some more. “There’s currently a Heckler VP9 aimed at your pretty little head. It’s going to make a mess when I blow your fucking brains out, and I’m probably going to be locked up for the rest of my fucking life, but I’ll go happily with the comfort that you’ll be dead.” I raise my knee and slam it into his balls, making the little runt squeal in agony. “Does that hurt, Sebastian?” I deliver another blow, sadistically relishing in his pain.

