Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

When I arrived in front of him, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. His arm came around my waist at once and his head dipped, his eyes locking with mine. “This outfit is meant to kill me, right?”

I tried to hide my smugness but failed when Xavier let out a low growl. “You are a vixen.”

His lips lightly brushed across mine, but I gently pushed back. Xavier held out his hand. “Can we risk holding hands?” Amusement tinged his deep voice.

We took our chances and strolled through the botanic garden hand in hand. It wasn’t overly crowded, and many people around looked like tourists who weren’t aware who Xavier was. The views of the opera house were spectacular, and so were the rose garden and fountains. “You didn’t strike me as the flower girl,” Xavier said after a while. “You like beer, ribs and action movies. But roses get you?”

“They are pretty. I’m allowed to enjoy pretty things too, right?”

Xavier pulled me to a stop and stepped close. “Sure. You enjoy the pretty flowers, I enjoy you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Nice try to charm your way into my panties again. It won’t work today.”

Xavier let out that deep rumble of a laugh. “So the ban’s still in place?”

“It is,” I confirmed.

“Am I allowed a kiss at least?”

Considering we were in a public place, I deemed a kiss a safe option. “Okay—“ The words had barely left my mouth when Xavier claimed my lips and kissed me. Kissed me like he really meant it, and my toes curled in my ballerina flats as his tongue tasted me, teased me, and his warm palm pressed against my back.

I drew back after a moment, a little dazed. We were still close and Xavier was looking at me as if he wanted to eat me.

“I think that’s enough kissing for now,” I murmured.

Xavier exhaled, but he stepped back as if he didn’t trust himself so close to me. To be honest, I trusted myself far less than him.

In the days after our second date, Xavier and I didn’t find time for another one. His first match of the season had him busy, body and mind, and I was actually glad for the small break since it allowed me to get a better grip on my feelings and my desires—or that’s what I was trying to tell myself, at least. We’d only seen each other for work-related reasons, and I hadn’t allowed any physical closeness during that time, but now that the first match was over and Xavier’s team had won in a spectacular fashion, we’d agreed on a third, more intimate date. I wasn’t sure why I had agreed to a date at his penthouse, maybe because he’d asked me right after the match, when I’d still been high with the euphoria of watching Xavier play a breathtaking game. But it was too late to back out now. I didn’t want Xavier to realize how strong of an effect his closeness had on my body.

Yet, I couldn’t get a grip on my nerves about my third date with Xavier. Which was ridiculous. I’d spent so many evenings with him in his penthouse, and many more work hours, but this felt different. This was the first time that I came over to his apartment not as his assistant but as his date, as his girlfriend.

I had considered wearing something sexy, but instead I’d opted for a soft coral cashmere sweater that hugged my chest, and jeans. I wanted to feel comfortable, and not give Xavier any ideas, though knowing him, he’d get them anyway.

The moment Xavier opened the door, I reminded him. “There won’t be any sex tonight.”

Then I took him in. The tight shirt, the low-cut jeans, the light scruff, and those eyes. Suddenly I felt like I needed reminding more than he did.

He grinned. “You said that already.”

I’d said it more than once, had sent him two texts today alone with the same message. I nodded once, suddenly feeling shy. I had never felt shy around Xavier. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Xavier opened the door a bit wider. “Won’t you come in? I promise I won’t bite unless you want me to.”

“Xavier,” I said in warning, but my stomach did a stupid little flip.

This man would definitely be my undoing.

I took a resolute step into his penthouse and walked toward the kitchen island, where I dropped my purse on one of the stools before I headed toward the fridge and opened it. Smiling to myself at his consideration, I grabbed a craft beer for myself and one for Xavier. No low-carb beer tonight. I put them down on the counter and was about to check Xavier’s snack drawer when his warm breath ghosted over my ear. “I’d say ‘make yourself comfortable,’ but you’re already doing just that.”

