Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

“Fuck,” he breathed out before he lowered himself slowly, upper arms flexing, and pressed his face into the pillow beside my head. He was still in me, but his hips weren’t pressed up against mine. He definitely wasn’t all the way in yet. Size matters. I had to agree. But right now small would have been my preferred choice. Of course, nothing about Xavier was small.

I lay unmoving beneath him, not sure what to do. He wasn’t moving either, only breathing harshly into the pillow beside me. I was pretty sure this wasn’t how he usually went about sex with girls. I waited a few seconds but was starting to feel awkward.

“Xavier?” I asked quietly, embarrassed.

“Hmm,” came his muffled reply. Slowly he lifted his head. “You should have told me,” he said, voice and eyes full of regret.

“Why? It’s not as if it matters.”

He smiled like I’d made a joke only he was in on. “You know it does.”

“So what,” I said quietly. “You took my virginity. It had to happen at some point.”

The words sounded almost like they were true. But my heart told a different story. Perhaps Xavier could see it, because he shook his head. “I haven’t yet. Only my tip is in. And it’s up against your barrier.” He grimaced. “That’s what I think. You are getting tighter and I’m nowhere near in so it has to be your hymen, or I don’t know… Fuck.”

Was Xavier rambling? “Oh,” I said uncertainly. “That’s a lot of pain for so little progress.”

Xavier let out a laugh. He pressed a kiss against my temple. “God, Evie, still joking in a situation like this.”

He pushed himself up on his arms, and began pulling out. I dug my fingers into his shoulders. “What are you doing?” I asked incredulously. I hadn’t come this far to have him backpedal.

He gave me a look like I’d lost my freaking mind. “I’m not going to go any farther. I’m not the guy that should pop your cherry.”

I hated that wording. I tightened my hold. “Don’t you dare stop now,” I said fiercely. He frowned at me.

“You’re already inside of me. What does a couple more inches matter?”

“More than a couple inches. You saw me naked,” he said cockily.

I snorted.

Then he became serious again, his voice low and compelling. “Evie, you can’t want this.”

Anger surged through me. “You mean you don’t want this now that you’ve turned on the light and can see all of me.” My lower lip began to tremble. To tremble. I wanted to slap myself.

Xavier looked like he had no clue what the fuck I was talking about. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

I tried to roll away, but with him over me and his erection still in me, that was impossible. “Of course. Why would anyone want to bang the poor fat little virgin, especially Xavier, the Beast, Stevens?”

His mouth came down on my lips hard, silencing me. His tongue thrust into my mouth, shutting me up in the best way possible. After a moment of surprise, I kissed him back fiercely. And then he lowered himself, his muscled chest pressing against my breasts. He cupped my head with his palms, caging me in with his forearms. He kissed my ear, murmuring. “I hope you won’t come to regret this, Evie, like I will.”

I didn’t get the chance to consider his words because he pressed his hips forward. The pressure inside of me became close to unbearable. He looked down at my face, an intense look on his own. My gaze locked on his, on the gentler, concerned note in his gray eyes.

I dug my fingernails deeper into his shoulders, but he didn’t even wince. He kept slowly pushing deeper into me until I could feel my body yielding to his pressure, and then he slid all the way in. The air left my lungs in a whoosh. It hurt like hell.

He kissed my temple, then my forehead. My heart fluttered at the gentle gesture, so unlike the Xavier of the tabloids. Our bodies were flush together. He was so strong and powerful, for once making me feel small and delicate, and not like the dumpling that I was. I wanted to tell him that I’d fallen for him many movie nights ago. “I really wish your Maserati were a compensation for your penis size,” I said, out of breath.

He chuckled. “Sorry, Evie. I don’t need to compensate for anything.”

As if I didn’t know it. I winced again. His thumb stroked my cheek, lightly, almost lovingly. “Tell me when it’s okay for me to move.”

I wasn’t sure if that would ever be the case. My body definitely wasn’t in favor of movement.

“You’re making a face as if you’re trying to solve a complicated equation. This is sex, not Sudoku.”

I huffed. “You are not being split in two.”

