Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Xavier watched me in rapt attention, and I wondered for whom the sex ban would be harder, me or him.

“Did you tell anyone about this?” I asked curiously when I’d finished my eighth shot of beer.

“Only Willow, and that was by accident. She called me this afternoon and I let something slip. And you?”

“If I tell Fiona she’ll go berserk on us, and I don’t know that many people around here yet. I don’t want to jinx this.”

He nodded. “My family will probably be happier about this than yours.”

I shrugged. “Fiona doesn’t have to like you as long as I do.”

“And you do?” Xavier asked in a low voice.

“You have to ask? I wouldn’t be sitting here if I didn’t find you quite tolerable.”

“Ah, Evie, your romantic declarations warm my heart,” he murmured with a soft laugh.

I grinned. “You know what you’re getting. The snark will stay.”

“I hope so.”

We smiled at each other, and Xavier’s eyes moved down to my lips once more. If he kept it up, I’d have to ask for ice to put in my panties.

“So how did Willow react to the news?”

“What do you think? She was over the moon. She’s been wanting me to find someone forever.”

“That’s lovely,” I said.

Xavier’s expression darkened. “It’s because she doesn’t have a life herself. She’s always at home with Mom. She should be doing what other teenage girls do. Sneak out, get drunk and flirt with guys so I can kick their sorry asses.” He emptied his last beer. “But she won’t because she can’t, because she’s stuck in that wheelchair.”

I touched Xavier’s hand and he turned his over and linked our fingers, his gray eyes sad and dark. “That wheelchair doesn’t have to stop her from living her life. She can date, she can flirt and get drunk. A disability doesn’t have to stop her, it doesn’t have to define who she wants to be,” I told him.

“That won’t happen on that farm.”

“She could move to Sydney after school. She wouldn’t be alone. You and I could help her.”

Xavier squeezed my hand, then brought it to his lips and kissed it. “Evie, I don’t deserve you, I hope you realize it, but I should tell you I have every intention of keeping you, deserving or not.”

A pleased flush spread in my body, and I leaned forward and gave Xavier a soft, light kiss, then leaned back before it turned into something more heated.

It was the only kiss we shared that night, though I could tell Xavier wanted to kiss me when he dropped me off on my street. “Thanks for the lovely date,” I told him, turning around to him in my seat.

“Does that mean you’ll agree to another date tomorrow?” Xavier asked with that annoying sexy twitch of his mouth.

“Yes. What did you have in mind?”

“We could go to the beach, sunbathe and take a dip.”

Parading my flaws around in front of Xavier in a bathing suit? No, thanks. I frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. The last time paparazzi got us on the beach.”

“That’s because I’d announced on my Instagram that I was filming a workout there, but it’s a weekday.”

I looked away. “I’d prefer if we did something else.”

“Evie,” Xavier began, but I held up my hand. “How about we go to the Royal Botanic Garden? I’ve wanted to visit it for a while.”

“Okay, but the risk of people recognizing me there is pretty high too.”

“Put on a cap,” I said with a grin.

He chuckled. “I doubt that will fool anyone. But if that’s what you want?”

“I do,” I said. I knew we probably wouldn’t have much time to go on dates in the days afterwards, since the start of the season was less than a week away.

I left the car with a last smile and closed the door, then practically floated home because the date had gone so much better than I’d hoped. Xavier had been as much of a gentleman as he was capable of, and we hadn’t had a moment of boredom or awkward silence. I risked another glance over my shoulder. Xavier hadn’t driven off yet, and a small shiver passed through my spine again. I’d wanted to kiss him so badly in the car just now.

I could only hope Xavier had enough restraint for the both of us because if the sex ban depended only on my control, it was doomed.

Xavier did indeed show up wearing a cap for our date in the Royal Botanic Garden, which to be honest didn’t make him any less striking. A man of his size and muscle mass had a hard time blending into the background, even if he covered his head. I had chosen a cute summer dress with a narrow waist, low neckline, and ballerina flats. Xavier took his time admiring me as I strode toward him. We’d agreed to meet in front of the entrance and not have Xavier pick me up, so Connor and Fiona didn’t get suspicious, though me dressing up like that had definitely raised Fiona’s attention. She would find out eventually, and probably be butt-hurt I hadn’t confided in her from the start.

