Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Xavier laughed, and my insides began their usual fluttering. “Will you let me crash and burn with my line?”

His lips found mine again, and I allowed myself to enjoy his kiss for a moment longer before I pulled back. “It’s a yes to the date. If I’ll spend the night, that depends on your behavior.”

Though really, it was a bit hypocritical of me to put all the blame on Xavier. I had failed at keeping to my own rule last night, and I had a feeling tonight wouldn’t be much easier.

The wolfish grin. “I’ll be a good boy, Evie.”

I chuckled. “We’ll see.” Maybe Xavier wasn’t the bad boy the press made him out to be, but he definitely wasn’t a good boy. Not that I wanted him to be.

This time I entered Xavier’s apartment without last night’s warning. We had sushi and watched an old James Bond movie with Sean Connery, even if I usually preferred the newer versions. The no-sex ban was firmly in place. We were being good, even if Xavier’s arm around me was distracting, albeit not as much as his hand which cupped my ass the entire time. My fingers kept drawing lazy circles on Xavier’s chest and stomach, but our eyes were firmly focused on the screen until about halfway through the movie, which was when Xavier gave my ass a firm squeeze and my fingers accidentally brushed the bulge in his pants. It all went downhill from there pretty quickly, as far as the ban was concerned, at least.

Two hours into the date, I was sprawled out on my back on the sofa, my legs draped over Xavier’s broad shoulders and his face wedged between my thighs as he did unspeakable things with his tongue and mouth. I clutched the headrest with one hand as my other held Xavier’s head in place. Not that he needed any encouragement. He was eating me like a starving man would a plate of burritos.

“You taste like heaven, Evie,” Xavier growled against my center before he closed his mouth over my folds again and sucked. He pulled me even closer, his shoulders pressing up against the backs of my thighs. I cried out, getting closer and closer. It felt so dirty having him do this to me on the sofa. I felt his finger against me before he slipped it in. Exhaling, I still marveled at the sensation of having something inside me. Xavier groaned against my heated flesh, the vibrations sending another spike in pleasure through my nether regions. “Fuck, you are so tight.”

He moved his finger in and out slowly before his lips found my clit again, sucking almost roughly, and I came apart. Clinging to the sofa, I shook desperately as a breathtaking wave of pleasure raced through me and small dots burst in my vision. Xavier kept up his magic, making sounds of approval as he sent me into blissful oblivion.

As I tried to catch my breath, my fingers slipped off the headrest and dropped down beside my body. Xavier pressed kisses to my center and inner thighs before he lowered my legs, which were pretty useless at this point, and climbed back up to hover over me. His hair was all over the place from my tugging and his chin glistened with my arousal. My cheeks blasted with heat at the sight, but at the same time a new wave of desire took hold of me.

Xavier’s expression darkened with desire, too, as he watched my heaving chest, but he made no move to take things further. He leaned down and kissed me, exhaling a low breath. Even still in his jeans the heat of his erection seemed to scorch my inner thigh. He wanted me, and I wanted him. I had to be insane to insist on the stupid ban at this point. I couldn’t even resist a piece of candy the first day into the New Year after another weight-loss resolution; how was I supposed to resist Xavier? That man was pure male eye candy.

“Can we go upstairs?” I asked, out of breath, my skin heating more at what I was suggesting.

Xavier groaned against my mouth, then kissed me with my taste still on his lips. He clambered off the sofa and held out his hand. Taking it, I allowed him to pull me to my feet. My dress fell down my legs, covering my ass and privates. Xavier let me toward the winding staircase. It was impossible to miss the huge bulge in his pants, and a hint of nerves filled me. Last time had been very painful, but I wanted to feel Xavier inside of me again. I wanted nothing more.

I was about to burst straight through my pants. Trying to stifle my eagerness, I led Evie toward my bed at a measured pace, even if I’d wanted to throw her over my shoulder and sprint toward my bedroom the moment she’d asked me to take her upstairs. I had sworn to hold back, but Evie was so fucking eager, so responsive, it wreaked havoc with my resolve. Arriving at the bed, I turned to her. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair disheveled, and her eyes shone with desire.

