Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

I didn’t know how long I’d wished for those words, and they tore down my last wall, obliterated my final sliver of doubt. “Then take me,” I whispered, a thrill shooting through me.

Xavier growled against my mouth. “Upstairs.”

I nodded, half delirious with want, half terrified. Xavier pulled me to my feet and kissed me again. Somehow we stumbled our way upstairs, kissing and touching.

The glow from downstairs was the only light source, for which I was glad when Xavier pulled my tank top over my head, leaving me in my bra. I didn’t get the chance for worry because his hands were already on my skirt, opening it quicker than I had ever managed, and then his mouth was back on mine and his fingers slipped into my panties.

Oh holy mother of goodness.

Xavier groaned deeply when his fingers glided between my folds. “Good Lord, Evie, you are so fucking wet.”

Nobody had ever touched me there. I didn’t get the chance for embarrassment, because Xavier began stroking the small nub that soon became the focus of my existence. I gasped into his mouth. He drew back to watch me and I ducked my head, my cheeks heating. My hand brushed his bulge curiously and it seemed to be the last straw, because Xavier helped me out of my skirt and nylons and backed me up toward the bed, removing my bra in the process. I fell back, and he was out of his pants and completely, breathtakingly naked before I had time to process anything.

His mouth was hot on my knee as he kissed my skin, then his fingers gripped my panties and pulled them down.

At the back of my mind, I realized I should warn him. Not just for myself, but also because maybe he would like to know. But then Xavier molded his strong body to mine for a kiss that obliterated any sane thought.

His kisses were heat and power. I could hardly keep up. His hands roamed my sides and back until he cupped my ass and squeezed, his fingers deliciously close to where I ached. I gasped into his mouth.

He sat back, reached for something. In the dim light from downstairs I made out a flat bright red wrapper. A condom.

This was really happening.

He made quick work of the condom package, ripping it open with a tug of teeth. With practiced ease, he rolled it down his erection; he was long and thick, good God.

Tomorrow morning I’d be just another girl he’d banged. Another notch on his belt. I’d watched him kick one woman after the other out of his bed. The only difference was that tomorrow morning, no assistant would be waiting to write down my number, only to delete it moments later.


My undoing.

He climbed back on top of me, muscles flexing, expression hungry and eager like that of a famished wolf. His weight felt perfect on top of me, like it was meant to be.

But this meant nothing to him. One fuck like thousands before. In and out. Then he moved on.

“I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time,” he rasped.

I caught his gaze. It was hungry, eager, possessive. What did this mean to him? I wasn’t someone he could ignore after the deed. I was his assistant. But would that even bother him? Fiona had said that his last few assistants had left exactly for that reason. He’d fucked them and then moved on. But was I even only his assistant? It hadn’t felt like that to me in the last few weeks.

He positioned himself between my thighs. All muscle and glory. That man was too gorgeous for words. He could have any girl and he knew it; he enjoyed it. Why would he want someone like me?

He supported himself on one arm, gripped my hip with his free hand, then pressed his tip against my opening. His gaze was intense, full of desire.

Evie, last chance.

The words climbed up my throat.

Xavier shifted his hips, thrusting forward, but he didn’t get very far.

My butt arched off the bed, my fingers digging into the bed linens. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to breathe through the pain. Good God. My muscles clamped down on his erection, my body obviously very averse to taking him in.

Xavier froze. “Evie,” he whispered. Suddenly he shifted, causing a sharp pain that had me wincing. The overhead lights came on and I blinked to get accustomed to their bright glare.

I peeled my eyes open. Xavier was propped up above me, perfectly still, perfectly handsome. Almost too perfect to bear. His gaze bored into mine, searching, confused, incredulous. I’d never seen that look on his face.

“What—” he began. “Tell me this isn’t…”

His gray eyes looked almost like they were begging me. For what exactly?

He shifted slightly, and I released a pained breath. So far losing my V-card wasn’t what people made it out to be.

