Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Xavier’s expression was focused and eager. No cockiness or flirtiness, only fierce determination. “This is our year.”

Back at his apartment, I sent him upstairs with the package with briefs so he could see which ones he liked best while I fixed us lunch. A huge salad with avocado, chicken, and feta cheese. Xavier, of course, got three cooked eggs and another chicken breast on the side to reach his protein goals for the day. I’d have never thought that I’d become a master in macronutrients, but being around Xavier and Fiona, it was inevitable, not that it had any impact on my own figure. I had lost a couple of pounds without trying, however, because of all the running about for Xavier and the forced healthy regime in his and Fiona’s company.

I put down the cutlery beside the two salad bowls when Xavier came down the winding staircase in one of the briefs. Low-rise trunks hugging his body like a second skin in subdued olive green. I could feel warmth traveling up my throat and face when Xavier turned so I could see him from every angle. I wasn’t sure why the label wanted Xavier as the face and body for their campaigns, as if anyone would pay attention to clothes in this underwear ad.

“What do you think about the color?”

“It’s nice,” I got out.

“Green’s not my favorite color, though it matches your eyes.”

I snorted. “Your underpants aren’t supposed to match my eyes.”

His answering grin was devilish, and I raised the fork still in my grasp in warning. “Whatever you’re about to say, don’t. I’ll poke you with this fork and not in a girly, teasing way, all right?”

Xavier raised his arms and backed away slowly. “So that’s a no to this model?”

He turned around, giving me a premium view of his defined ass and back. I grabbed a glass of water and took a few desperate gulps.

Things didn’t improve from there. With every new model that Xavier presented, the temperature in the room seemed to rise until I wished for panty liners so I could wedge them under my armpits to prevent another embarrassing sweat incident.

“Oh this is my favorite,” Xavier shouted, then laughed.

I perched on a stool, my elbows propped up on the kitchen island, as I snuck one bite of avocado and chicken into my mouth after the other, and almost choked to death when Xavier came into view. This model wasn’t a trunk. It was a slip, and even that term didn’t do the thing justice. The bright purple fabric didn’t cover much.

I coughed. Xavier’s grin grew, and then he turned around, and I was fairly sure my legs would have given way if I hadn’t been sitting. It was some sort of thong that revealed Xavier’s perfectly shaped butt, with two strange strings under his ass cheeks. He turned back to me. “What do you think?”

Not much. Any sane thought had fled my mind. My head was moments from raising a fire alarm. I sat up slowly, trying to form an articulate reply despite Xavier’s grin. “What is that?”

“A jockstrap. Have you never seen one?”

“Until you I wasn’t around jocks all that much,” I muttered, trying very hard not to look at how the jock thingy accentuated Xavier’s thing. But it was really really difficult not to risk the occasional peek because that man wasn’t only ripped, he also had every reason to be cocky as far as I could tell.

Xavier was enjoying this far too much. I bet he wouldn’t have tried on every single piece of clothing if it wasn’t for my reaction. “Yay or nay, Evie?”

“To be honest, I think ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the male population shouldn’t even be thinking of wearing something like that.”

Xavier strolled over to me. Did this man not have any kind of shame? “But I should?”

“God no,” I said, forcing my gaze to rest firmly on his annoyingly cocky face. Of course, the reason why Xavier shouldn’t be wearing a jock strap was an entirely different one. It was to preserve the last shreds of my sanity because seeing him in his Calvin Kleins was already bad, but this?

“Why not? Share your thoughts with me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“I don’t think it’s very manly if guys wear thongs.”

What I really thought was that if Xavier didn’t start wearing more than briefs around me soon, the non-disclosure clause would be useful after all.

“Sure. That’s why,” Xavier said, then turned to head back upstairs. I wasn’t sure, but I thought he flexed his butt cheeks to give me an additional show.

“Only one more,” he informed me a couple of minutes later.

“If it’s got less fabric than the last, I’m out, Xavier. I warn you,” I called up.

His answering chuckle made me smile stupidly. To my relief—or disappointment, it was difficult to determine at this point—the last model was another low-rise trunk with the red lips pattern.

