Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

It was without any compunction whatsoever Nikki ambushed Gunter in his own rooms, barely letting the man inside before glomping him.

Gunter blinked down at Nikki as he stumbled inside. “Why hello.”

Nikki caught him by the waist, steering him straight to the nearest chair, then straddled Gunter’s lap, leaning in for a very demanding kiss. Gunter startled for a second then melted into it, tongue sweeping into Nikki’s mouth in a hot glide. Nikki almost got lost in the kiss, as they typically did, but remembered at the last second the game plan.

Sex up Gunter.

They pulled back, breathing a touch fast. Gunter’s ice-blue eyes were stormy, his lips parted. Oh yeah, Nikki had him all worked up now. They were back to the moment with the tree, with Gunter’s engine revved up and wanting Nikki. Thank fuck.

“Yes, hello,” Gunter purred. “I’m happy to see you, too.”

Nikki sucked in a breath. “Gunter. I want to do something.”

“And what do you want to do?”

“The thing with the tongue.”

Gunter blinked at them, completely at sea. “What thing with the tongue?”

Nikki felt a bit shy about saying this aloud. But they also trusted Gunter implicitly. If they couldn’t say this to Gunter, then who could they say this to?

They leaned in to whisper in Gunter’s ear, “I’ve heard a dragon can partially shift and wrap their tongue around a cock. I want to try it.”

The physical response on Gunter’s part was obvious. A low growl, almost a thrum, vibrated from his throat and his hands on Nikki’s hips tightened.

“If you’re wanting sex, little one, I’m more than happy to oblige you. And I can show you more than that trick.”

Nikki thrilled right down to their toes. Really?! It was this easy?

Damn, they should have tried this earlier.

“Just answer me one question. How much experience do you have?”

“All theoretical at this point. But I’m not nervous with you. Please, please, fuck me already.”

Gunter planted his feet and hoisted them both easily off the sofa in one swooping motion. Nikki gasped at the unexpected movement but didn’t fight it. Mostly, they cheered. Finally, yes!

As Gunter carried them, Nikki planted kisses along his face, ducking down to suck on a tempting patch of skin just under Gunter’s ear. How hard was it to give a dragon a hickey? Nikki was determined to find out.

Gunter groaned. “Skies above, you drive me crazy.”

Nikki lifted their head to argue that, but Gunter kissed them, stealing the words away, the kiss beyond hungry. Oh yes, Gunter was good and riled up now. Nikki kissed back, trying to somehow wrestle his shirt off even with their legs clamped around Gunter’s waist.

The fervor seemed to be catching, or cycling, going in a loop between Gunter and Nikki only to loop back in again. Nikki got the shirt off, flinging it aside in victory, but Gunter was quick to get Nikki’s shirt off, too. Skin to skin was perfect, exactly what Nikki had been craving this entire time.

Gunter looked ready to pin Nikki against a wall somewhere.

Nikki was quite literally breathless with anticipation.

“The bed’s too far away,” Nikki protested, eyes fluttering shut as Gunter attacked the side of their neck. “Do me here.”

“No lube, otherwise I’d love to,” Gunter growled in a hot rush against bare skin.

“Front pocket.”

Gunter lifted his head and looked at Nikki for a split second, lust clouding his eyes. “Front pocket? You have lube on you?”

“Cassie gave me a jar,” Nikki admitted cheerfully.

“I…am perturbed by that information and I really want to ask more questions, but later. Right now, I have to have you.”

Nikki demanded, “Have me. Right now.”

A golden ring appeared in Gunter’s eyes, making him look all dragony. Chills raced up and down Nikki’s spine at that look. Delicious, delicious chills. Gunter placed Nikki back on the ground, but only long enough to strip the rest of Nikki’s clothes off, shoving them to the side.

Nikki had no chance to feel shy or self-conscious about their body. Gunter had them up against a wall in short order, their back against smooth wood paneling, hands and lips trailing down Nikki’s torso in a hot wash of skin and breath. Gunter teased at a few sensitive spots on the way, but he was clearly a man on a mission. His mouth hit Nikki’s dick on the side, already at half-mast, and he didn’t pause to lavish it with any attention, just sucked it into his mouth in a hot rush.

Pleasure shuddered under Nikki’s skin, strong enough their head came back against the cool wood, the sensation too strong for a visual. Oh god. Oh god, Gunter’s mouth was amazing. Stupendous. And a lot of other words that escaped Nikki at the moment.

Gunter pulled free, and Nikki whined in protest.

“I thought you wanted to try the tongue thing?” Gunter asked in a deep, gravelly voice that sent new shivers across Nikki’s skin.

