Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Gunter knew better than to argue with any queen—or powerful mage for that matter.

The flight to Sazos, France, up in the Pyrenees took roughly two hours. Gunter’s dragon made a low, growling sound very much like a purr throughout the entire journey as Nikki’s hand regularly reached out to stroke his scales. Which was a lovely feeling and an affirmation that Nikki really had forgiven him.

They landed well outside of town in a thick grove of trees to hopefully escape the notice of the locals and tourists. Nikki climbed down from the harness but remained next to his side, running their hand along Gunter’s head, right under the ears where it was sensitive. Gunter shifted so he could look back at the delicate little mage with the silken blond hair and glittering purple eyes.

Everyone else shifted as well, getting settled back into their own skins before they moved forward as a unit. Warily, of course, as they were all hyper vigilant in enemy territory. They walked through the forest to the road, which led them into the quaint mountain town of Sazos. It was larger than Gunter had been expecting, with thick clusters of sturdy stone homes with steeply pitched bluish-gray roofs. Ample signs offered directions to a variety of campgrounds and stores offering wares for people hiking and vacationing in the Pyrenees.

But no Jaeggi.

As covertly as possible, Queen Diya cast one spell after another, seeking out any signs of magic or defensive spells, but she kept coming up blank. They wove their way through the town, searching narrow streets and shops. They even paused long enough for lunch in a small café.

After their meal, they headed out of town toward one of the larger campgrounds. Pol knelt in the dirt, using his own magic to read the area.

As much as they didn’t want to admit it, the Jaeggi weren’t here. Part of Gunter was greatly relieved they’d come up empty because it meant Nikki wasn’t in danger, but this didn’t bring them any closer to finding a solution to their bigger problem.

Diya held up one hand, her palm cupped as if trying to cage something there. “The Jaeggi have been here. It’s just been a while. I can feel their magic in the air. Gritty and spoiled, like old meat. But it’s old and faded.”

Nikki sighed and hung their head. “I really wish there had been some sign of them here recently.”

“I do as well,” Dimitri agreed sourly. “I was hoping very strongly they’d be here. Damn.”

“We’re not the only ones coming up empty handed,” Warin grumbled. He shoved his cellphone in his pocket and looked at the rest of their group. “I just got a text from Hoheit. The other four teams have come up with nothing. Cameron is working on refining the list for us.”

“Have you reported the same for us?” Dimitri inquired.

Warin shook his head. “Not yet. Just that the town was empty. The other four teams are headed back to the castle.”

Dimitri looked at Pol, who was still frowning at the dirt. “Do you have anything?”

“It’s faint.” The large man stood and dusted off his hands on his jeans. “There was a large group of them over there near the road, but then it disappears.”

“They got into a vehicle—or maybe several vehicles,” Gunter filled in. They’d had a similar problem when it came to tracking Ravi when he’d been kidnapped. Being in a car made it a little harder for the earth dragons to track a target.

Pol grunted. “There’s this faint wisp running along here.” He gestured along a dirt track leading away from the road and into the woods. “Maybe a lone Jaeggi sent to search for a spell element.”

“Or maybe to meet up with another group of Jaeggi. Deliver instructions,” Warin suggested.

Dimitri turned toward Queen Diya and bowed his head. “With your permission, I would like to take Pol with me and follow the trail while we have it. This might be nothing, but right now, it’s our best lead.”

“Yes, please. With my blessing. Pol is one of our strongest warriors. The earth knows him well and will give up her secrets to him.”

“But my queen, I can’t leave you alone,” Pol said with a gasp.

As Gunter expected, Warin jumped right in, bowing deeply. “I would be honored to carry you back to Burkhard, Queen Diya. I will protect you from any threat with my last breath.”

Warin was an old knight at heart, and he was always thrilled with the chance to offer his life up in the protection of another. Though, Gunter suspected North would have something to say about that eagerness.

Queen Diya warmly smiled at Warin and placed her hand on his arm. “I accept your offer, though I’m hopeful we won’t run into any trouble on the way back to the castle.”

