Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

But it also wasn’t something they wanted to decide right this second. “Let me sleep on it. I’m probably going to say yes, though. Because you’re right, I don’t want these issues living in my head rent free.”

“Good. Just let me know.” Tori clapped them on the shoulder. “I’ll let you enjoy the sunset. I’ve got a husband with the sniffles to get back to.”

“Oh. I did wonder about the eucalyptus.”

“Yeah, it’s just allergies, easy to cure. Take your time, Nikki. Don’t force yourself back in until you feel comfortable.”

That sounded like experience talking. Nikki gave him a nod and a grateful smile. “Thanks, Tori.”

“You’re more than welcome.”

Nikki watched them retreat back into the castle. Tori really was good people. Considering all he had survived, the trauma of it all, he should be scared, angry, and vulnerable. But he wasn’t. He was kind. He’d made himself kind.

It had been the right choice to trust Tori. And Nikki was ever so glad to have taken a leap of faith and been proven right. Maybe they could trust all the mages in the same way—like a domino effect, letting Nikki connect to each mage here and get comfortable in the clan. Tori’s efforts to reach out to them today touched Nikki deeply.

Tori was something of a role model for Nikki. They wanted to be that well-adjusted, that comfortable in their own skin, that they could reach out a helping hand to someone else as Tori had just done.

Nikki mentally hashtagged it: #lifegoals.

They really did feel better after talking it all out and sitting here. The antsy feeling was gone completely. Relieved, they chose to sit for another moment and really enjoy the sunset. And only then, when they were perfectly ready to, did they go back inside.

Gunter lay ensconced in bed, reading, when the text came through on his phone. He set the book aside and opened the message.

It was from Tori—something of a rare occurrence—and said simply, Your Nikki is struggling. Found them outside the castle tonight, fighting with some demons. I talked them into coming back in, but you better get on this, Gunter. I’ll help.

Gunter frowned at the message and typed back, What demons?

The feeling-caged-in type. Nikki knew it was ridiculous even as they escaped outside. Sometimes, they need to leave these walls.

This alarmed Gunter thoroughly. They wanted to leave? He’d never thought Nikki would even entertain the thought, especially not after their courtship had started. He flailed upright in a panic, feeling his heart breaking. Surely not, surely he was misinterpreting Tori’s text. He couldn’t fathom Nikki ever leaving. He called Tori immediately, unable to continue this conversation in text.

“Don’t panic,” was how Tori answered the phone.

“I’m not panicking. What do you mean Nikki wants to leave?”

“You are so totally panicking right now. Gunter. Deep breath. I fought with these same feelings when I first came into Burkhard. Do you know how many times Baldewin had to assure me I could leave if I wanted to?”

Actually, Gunter hadn’t known at all. “Really?”

“Nikki and I both lived for years in a very restrictive place where freedom wasn’t guaranteed. Where we had to escape. Our clan doesn’t have those same rules, but we’re still under restrictions for our own safety. Of course the overlap is going to sometimes trigger us in the wrong ways.”

“Oh shit.” Gunter groaned. He mentally kicked himself several times. “But they’re still in the castle?”

“I got Ravi to keep an eye on them from a distance. He just texted that Nikki came back in a second ago. They’re safe, Gunter, breathe. But also do something about this. I offered to introduce my therapist to Nikki. And they were pretty receptive to the idea. Reinforce it, if you can.”

“I absolutely will.” Gunter once again blessed Tori’s coming into the clan. He was an excellent friend and brother in many ways. “Thank you. I’ll follow up with you properly tomorrow. Your therapist is in Sonthofen, right?”

“Yeah, and she’s great. She’s up to speed on what all goes into mating to a dragon, and stuff, so I think Nikki would easily transition into talking with her. But there’s other therapists in her practice if they don’t click with her for some reason. Emphasize that Nikki has options, okay? That will help more than anything else.”

“Because they’ve never had options before.”

“Yup. Just as I didn’t. Presenting multiple options will get you further than anything else.”

“I will.”

“Good, good. Give me a shout if you’ve got questions. I need to get back to Baldewin.”

“Thanks again, Tori.”

“Anytime.” Click.

Gunter let the phone go back on the nightstand as he thought it through. Shit, he really should have realized Nikki would struggle in this way. Especially since they’d tested their ability to leave the very first few days they were here. And being on that blasted Jaeggi compound would only bring all of those negative feelings back.

