Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

But he might also be a bit gobsmacked, because when the hell had that happened? No, seriously, Gunter wanted a day and time when Nikki had abruptly switched opinions about the Burkhard mages. He’d feel better if he could chart this.

Not sure how to feel, Gunter finished breakfast and then went down to his library, because at least that didn’t change on him without warning.

It was fine. Nikki was showing signs of growth and improvement, and Gunter was truly happy about that. No one should live in the shadow of another person out of fear like Nikki had been doing. Gunter was pleased by this. Really. He’d just sit here and get some work done. Nikki would get him at lunch, and he could follow up properly with the little one then.

Damn, it was quiet in here.

Gunter shook the thought off, focusing on his computer. Right. Where did he leave off yesterday? He conferred with his notes, all jotted down in the notebook just for this family line. Despite being written by his own hand, they made no sense. Or maybe it was because Gunter couldn’t concentrate.

It really was quiet in here. And it wasn’t like Nikki was loud all the time. Normally, they read in companionable silence. It was Nikki’s absence distracting Gunter so badly. Even when quiet and still, Nikki possessed a presence larger than life. The empty spot in the mage’s usual chair echoed.

Alright, Gunter might be projecting.

And moping.

And god, seriously, no one would suspect Gunter was over half a millennia old with the way he was acting right now.

Disgusted with himself, he stood up. Clearly, he had to do something else and get this out of his system. He wasn’t about to share any of this with Nikki and hamper his little one’s growth. Hell, no.

Not sure what to do with himself, he went out anyway. And kept walking. Maybe just getting out, getting some air would do it. Maybe even fly? He hadn’t flown in a few days. Gunter checked with his dragon. Fly?

No fly, dragon-self said. Nikki.

Right, so his dragon was not being cooperative. Fucking figured.

Gunter looked up, realized he had a dead-end hallway ahead of him, and turned to go and pace the other way. But in turning, he recognized where he was—right outside of Alric’s office. Instinctively, he wanted to go in. Surely Alric would understand what was going through Gunter’s head right now, considering his own struggles with Cameron in the beginning.

And he hadn’t really checked in with Alric properly as a friend since the drunk incident. Their meeting the other day didn’t count; that had been all business. It was long overdue. He wanted to know how Alric was healing now that the entire Abe family had taken on his case.

He had his hand on the door, knocking lightly against the wood, before he could overthink it.


Still not sure if it was the best move, Gunter went in anyway, giving Alric a smile as he came through. “Morning.”

“Good morning.” Alric’s eyebrows lifted slightly in question. “A rare moment to see you in the morning. You’re usually in your dungeon by this time. Do you need something?”

“Ah, no, just haven’t started working yet, and I thought to ask you how you’re healing? I haven’t heard anything about it recently.”

Alric looked pleased. Downright smug, even. “I’m healing well. Sora’s a miracle worker, as are his parents. The numbness is now completely gone, the pain cut in half of what it used to be. I shifted to dragon form for them yesterday for a full examination and they were adamant that I was leaps and bounds better than they’d hoped I’d be. But then, my husband has been religious about applying all the treatments. Cameron doesn’t miss a single day, no matter what insanity is going on around us.”

“He’s a good mate. And I’m glad, Alric. I never thought this day would come.”

“Nor I. I still have three surgeries to undergo, and physical therapy, but they seem to think that at this rate, I’ll be well enough to fly longer distances in a year or so, instead of these short hops I’m doing now.” Alric’s joy was readily apparent. “I’ll never be at the strength I once was, but at least I can take to the skies and carry Cameron short distances. I missed our mating flight, and I’m dying to do so.”

Gunter nodded in complete understanding. It was an instinctual thing for dragons, that need. The mating flight was something everyone did. He knew it had hurt Alric that he hadn’t been able to fly properly with Cameron. Even doing it belatedly, a year after their marriage, would still fulfill the need.

Alric eyed him suspiciously. “I think you’re about due for a mating flight.”

Gunter passed a hand over his face. “Skies above, I hope so.”

