Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Nikki was sure their face was bright red. Their cheeks felt like they were on fire. But while embarrassed, there was something more important going on—a total lack of serious sexy time.

“No, we haven’t. Gunter has only kissed me. Held my hand.”

“That’s okay,” Lisette interjected in a firm voice. “You move at what speed you want. You do what you’re ready for.”

“Oh, I am ready. I am very ready for tongues,” Nikki said with a wave at Cameron, “and everything.” They finished with a wave at North.

Sora went tense with concern. “Wait, Nikki, do you, uh…has anyone talked you through sex?”

“I’ve got all the theoretical knowledge I need, trust me. I’m good on the mechanics. What I don’t know is how to get him to make a damn move. Like, I sleep in Gunter’s bed regularly, I’m handsy to the point where even I think I’m a little overly clingy sometimes, and he’s just…argh. Tell me. How the hell do you get a dragon ready to rumble?”

To his surprise, the grins on all his new friends turned a little wicked and very eager.

“Oh, don’t worry, Nikki. We’ll help you seduce your dragon,” Cassie promised.

“Yep, Gunter is going to be putty in your hands,” North murmured.

This sounded like an excellent plan.

It was never a good start to the day when Sora was handing out anti-nausea serum to all the mages before they took flight. And where the hell was that serum when he’d been hungover?

Of course, Gunter could just be grumpy because his dinner plans with Nikki had been abruptly aborted. He’d gone to the workshop to fetch Nikki and had been shooed away like an unwanted stray cat. The only consolation had been seeing the same thing happen to Ravi and Baldewin while the mages all cackled wildly behind the closed door.

Around ten in the evening, he’d been summoned to carry a clingy and extremely drunk Nikki to bed. He received a small kiss for his trouble and then Nikki passed out cold with their shoes still on.

The one positive out of this experience was that Nikki no longer seemed hesitant to be around or speak to the other mages. They gratefully accepted the serum from Sora and even got a quick hug from North, who’d popped down to wish his own mate a safe journey before swearing he was crawling back into his bed.

It was a relief, really, that Nikki no longer seemed at all cautious with the mages. Drinking with everyone was a sure sign of comfort. Gunter was so glad the mages had routinely made friendly overtures and finally gotten past Nikki’s defenses.

Gunter downed the last of his coffee in one long pull, then stood in the shade of the courtyard, waiting for the caffeine to kick in. They just needed the stragglers to meet them out here, and fly out. As if his thoughts had summoned them, Nikki strode up to him, wincing a little at the sunlight.

Why the hell was Nikki down here? He had a feeling it wasn’t to see him off, not like North had just done for Warin. Nikki’s expression told an entirely different story.

“Nikki—” he started.

Nikki held up an authoritative finger. “I understand your concerns. I do. But it’s my decision. And I’m tired of hiding, Gunter. I’m tired of letting fear make my choices. That’s no way to live. I’m going with you.”

And. Well, what could Gunter possibly say to that? Because Nikki was right, it was their choice, and there was no way in hell he wanted to discount the courage Nikki displayed in this moment. His dragon wanted to protect Nikki, but Gunter understood, too, that sometimes protecting someone meant being their support as they faced down their fears.

He folded and gave Nikki a small smile, still worried but wanting to give Nikki the chance to grow. “Alright. Just…if you change your mind, please say something? And I’ll take you straight back here.”

“So you’re not going to argue with me?”

“I’ve already done that once. And all it did was get you mad at me. You didn’t agree then. I want to be on the same page as you. And if you feel like you can do this, I’m not going to stand in your way.”

Nikki’s defensive posture relaxed and they beamed with relief. “Good.” Popping up on their toes, Nikki brushed a light kiss on his mouth. “Then you’re forgiven for being an ass.”

“Thank you. I think.”

When everyone was ready, they launched into the cool morning air one after the other. Dimitri took the lead, his white scales nearly blending in with the clouds, followed directly by the glittering red of his and Warin’s scales. The deep emerald green of Pol’s earth dragon brought up the rear, carrying Diya, Queen of the Earth Dragons and head mage of her clan. Gunter had not expected Queen Diya to accompany them, but she’d argued that if her stubborn husband could go off on Jaeggi adventures, so could she.

