Crash Into You Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 95676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

"Kitten," he breathes again, holding me in place with a hand between my breasts. He rocks into me in slow strokes, his lips and teeth against my neck and shoulder. He runs his other hand across my hip and thigh before covering my hand, stroking against my clit with me.

My fingers bump against his cock on every stroke.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," I tell him, choking on the words.

He presses his lips to my shoulder, breathing me in. "Let go, sweetheart. Let me take care of you."

Soft moans and sweet whispers echo around the room as he makes love to me from behind, his big body wrapped around mine until I can't tell where he ends and I begin. The moment is so tender, so sweet, that tears sting my eyes again, dripping silently down my cheeks.

Heat begins to take over, sparking to life between my thighs. He lifts my hip higher, thrusting harder. The change in angle causes the head of his cock to drag against my g-spot with every stroke.

I cry out again and then again, until the room is full of my sounds and his.

"Come for me," he says, stroking against my clit faster.

I slide my hand away from his and down, cupping his balls. They're tight, like he's right there on the edge. He moans my name, his arm tightening around me.

"I love you, Cam," I whisper, my voice breaking as emotion chokes me.

"Kitten," he cries out and then he's gone, pulling away from me.

Before I can miss him or ask where he's going, he's back, guiding me onto my stomach. His body covers mine and then he's sliding inside of me again. He holds me down with his weight, thrusting hard. Every time he moves, my nipples and clit bump against the sheets, pulling soft cries of pleasure from my lips.

His breath is a broken pant in my ear. He gathers my hair up and moves it away from my neck.

"Say it again," he says against my skin before biting into the shell of my ear.

"I love you."


"I love you."

He rears back to lift my ass into the air. His fingers dig into my hips as he slams himself inside of me once more. He thrusts harder, striking so deep I know I'll still feel him tomorrow. I rock back against him, taking all of him over and over. He fucks me hard, his balls slapping against my ass.

"Come on my cock," he grunts, reaching between us to play with my clit again. "Need to feel you dripping down my balls again. Give it to me."

I cry out, lifting my ass higher.

"It's mine. I want it." He presses against my clit, curling his body over mine again. "Fucking come," he growls in my ear. "Now."

His demand sets off an explosion. I come hard, bucking wildly beneath him as fire races through my veins, melting me from the inside out.

"Yes," he growls, going wild above me. His hand digs into my hip, his other grinding against my clit as he drives his hips into mine, impaling me on his cock over and over. He's relentless, making me come once and then again. Still, he doesn't stop. He rolls us over, demanding that I ride him.

I do, rising up and dropping back down onto him, impaling myself with his cock. My nails dig into his shoulders as he plays with my nipples. He's all over me, leaving another roadmap of marks scattered across my body.

"Fuck, I love this cunt," he groans, grabbing my hips in his hands and lifting me. He drops me down hard, grinding his pelvis into me.

"Please," I whimper, not sure I can come again. My body is so sensitive…the slightest touch is going to shatter me.

"One more," he says, rising up until I'm straddling his lap, our foreheads pressed together. "I need you to give me one more." He rocks me against him, flexing his hips to push deeper every time I sink down onto him. "Let me feel you come one more time," he says, and I think he's pleading with me…begging me to give him what he wants.

As if he even needs to ask.

"Come with me," I whisper into his mouth, tangling my hands in his hair as another orgasm begins to spark inside of me, pulling me toward the edge. "Please, Cam." I don't want to come alone this time. I want him with me when I fall over the edge.

"Yes." He pulls me down on him, grinding his pelvis into me as he kisses me. He's soaked with sweat, beads rolling down his body. His movements pick up until he finds the rhythm he needs. "Fuck, kitten," he moans into my skin, slamming me down onto his cock again and then again.

"I love you," I cry out as I begin to come, bright lights bursting in a spray of vibrant color.

