Crash Into You Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 95676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

I watch him for a moment, taking in the way his gray eyes narrow on the screen before he holds it up to his ear and says, "Yeah?"

Whatever he hears makes him growl, his brows pulling together in a scowl.

"Fuck that," he snaps. "I want a guarantee that…"

I slip away, my steps tentative. When I get to the door he indicated, I push it open slowly, flip on the lights, and step inside, blinking. His room is…amazing. It's decorated in bold black and classic white, with a bed so massive I could get lost in it. Bright white sheets peek from beneath a thick black comforter. Matching black curtains cover big bay windows, with a white chaise positioned beneath. His dressers are black with chrome handles. A plush black and white area rug covers most of the hardwood floor. One entire wall is dark glass, opening up onto the bathroom.

I drop my bag onto his bed and head toward the bathroom, only to stop right inside the doorway and gape. His bathroom is almost as big as my entire apartment. A giant garden tub is built onto a black dais of sorts in the corner, with two steps leading up to it. A chrome and glass shower takes up the opposite wall, with multiple showerheads overhead. A massive vanity stretches the length of the wall between the shower and the tub. The toilet is built in its own little area, with a door for privacy.

"I could live in here," I mumble to myself before starting the shower. I poke through his cabinets until I find a stack of fluffy black towels and washcloths. Setting them aside, I glance at myself in the mirror and sigh. My blue eyes are dull and sad, the skin beneath puffy and red. My hair is a mess from having slept in the car, thick pieces loose from the bun I tossed it into. My lips are swollen from Cam's kisses. Faint red marks are visible on my throat from where he bit me.

I strip my clothes off quickly. My eyes fill with tears when I see those same marks all over my body. Love bites form a roadmap across my skin, showing exactly where he's been and how long he stayed. I don't want them to fade. I don't want to look down in a week and see that they've all disappeared. But they will, and then I really will be alone. Locked up with criminals for trusting the wrong person.

I step beneath the spray of the shower as tears begin to fall. A sob breaks from my lips, followed by another and another. My heart is breaking and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I'm in love with a cop, but I don't think I get to keep him after this. I huddle in the corner, wrap my arms around myself, and give in to the tears, sobbing so hard I can't catch my breath.

"Kitten?" Cam calls from the other side of the shower door as I cry.

I bite my lip to stifle the sound of my sobs, but it doesn't do any good.

A cool blast of air swirls around me and then he's there, lifting me into his arms. He's still fully dressed, but he doesn't seem to care about getting his clothes wet. Instead, he slides down the shower wall until he's seated on the floor with me in his arms. Water pounds down on us from overhead, drenching him as I fall apart in his arms.

"Shh," he whispers into my hair, rocking me back and forth. "Shh, kitten. I've got you."

His sweet words shatter another little piece of my soul.

I cry until I can't cry anymore, and then I go limp in his arms.

"Come on, sweetheart," he says a few minutes later, setting me away from him. He has to fight to get me to loosen my hold on him long enough for him to stand up. And then he peels his clothes off, dropping them to the shower floor with a wet plop. He picks me up again, holding me against his body as he tilts my head back into the spray of the shower.

I'm exhausted and numb, so I just stand there, staring at the sunburst tattooed over his heart while he takes care of me. We don't talk. His hands are gentle as he massages his shampoo into my hair and then tips my face back into the spray. His lips never stray far from my skin. He rains kisses across my lips, my cheeks, and my eyelids as he washes me up.

Once he's finished, he quickly scrubs up and then turns the water off and grabs a towel, drying me from head to toe as I sway on my feet, trying to remain upright. After wrapping a towel around his waist, he picks me up in his arms and carries me into the bedroom.

