Crash Into You Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 95676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

"Ivy!" He slams me down onto him and stills. He moans and trembles in my arms, resting his head against my chest as he gives me everything he has, spilling into me in a rush of wetness.

I run my hands through his sweaty hair as we both come down, breathing hard.

"I love you," I whisper.

An unintelligible, almost broken sound comes from his lips. His arms tighten around me until he's crushing me against him, holding me like he's never going to let me go. Like he might fall apart if I try to move away from him. Another soft sound rumbles against my chest.

It takes me a moment to realize that he's saying something, repeating the same words over and over.

"Please don't take her from me," he whispers against my skin. "Please."

Chapter Seventeen


"Miss Kendall," Jacoby says with a polite incline of his head early the next morning. We're in my office, waiting for Ventura to get here.

"Hi," Ivy whispers, wringing her hands together. She's pale and withdrawn, barely holding it together. The fear in her big blue eyes is breaking my fucking heart. She doesn't belong in jail. She belongs at home with me, where I can take care of her and help her through this.

They aren't giving me that choice. She doesn't know it yet, but our relationship is no longer a secret. It took Cap all of five seconds to figure it out when I demanded that she be allowed to spend last night with me. Hell, from the sounds of it, he already knew. He's pissed. Not that I blame him.

Once Duke gets here and Ivy turns herself in, it's my turn. I won't be leaving here with my badge or gun today. It's the least of my concerns. I knew what I was risking before I ever touched her the first time. I didn't go into the blindly. I regret nothing. I won't apologize. I won't take it back or express regret I don't feel. I love her.

They can have my badge. They can have my career. They can take my certification. What they won't take is her. I fought hard to make sure she spends as little time in jail as possible.

"Is it done?" I ask Jacoby, praying the D.A. agreed.

He jerks his chin in a nod, allowing me to take my first deep breath all fucking day.

Ivy glances between the two of us in question. I squeeze her hand, but don't fill her in. The less she knows right now, the better. She has enough to worry about without worrying about me too. I rake a hand through my hair and expel a heavy breath, not sure how I feel.

I wish like hell I'd never taken her to Clark's room and found that fucking song. Instead of helping her, I'm the one who sealed her fate. I thought about it all goddamn night. Neither of us slept much. We didn't talk much either. I just held her until the sun rose, thinking about that song, about the people in her life, the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach growing, growing…growing. I need to do more digging, but the pieces are coming together in a way I don't like. In a way guaranteed to break Ivy.

"Ventura will be here soon," Jacoby says, leaning back against the door.

I nod and then close my eyes for a moment. "Can we have a few minutes?"

"Yeah." Jacoby glances at Ivy, offering her a small smile, and then he pulls the door open and ducks out. "I'll give you until he gets here."


The door closes behind him, leaving us in silence.

"Promise me something," I say, plucking Ivy out of her chair and pulling her into my lap. I turn her so I can see her face, and then tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.


"Promise me that, no matter what happens when Ventura gets here, you won't give up on me," I say, my voice rough with emotion.

I'm not sure what she sees on my face, but wariness drifts through her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I murmur, trying to reassure her even though it isn't strictly true. "I just need to know that you'll keep fighting, no matter what."

I don't think she believes me, but she gives me her word anyway. "Okay," she agrees, laying her head against my shoulder.

I press a grateful kiss to her crown.

"What's going to happen to me, Cam?" she whispers, linking our fingers together in her lap.

"Ventura will read your Miranda Rights and then you'll be searched." I curse as a thought occurs. "You'll have to exchange your clothes for a jumpsuit."


"Someone will have to be with you while you undress."

"Oh." She swallows hard. "C-can it be you?"

"'Fraid not, sweetheart," I say gently. "We'll make sure you have a female officer, though."

"Okay," she sighs, shrinking in on herself. It's just one of many small indignities in a long line she'll face in the coming months. Nothing in her life will remain private. She'll have no secrets. Small freedoms will be stripped away. Everything from her text messages to her finances will be discussed openly in a courtroom full of strangers.

