Crash Into You Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 95676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

"Hold onto me," he murmurs.

When he's sure I've got my arms locked around his neck so I won't fall, he leans over and pulls the covers back before depositing me into the bed. A soft whimper escapes when he pulls my hands from around his neck. I don't want to let him go, not even for a moment.

He kisses both of my fists before easing them down and pulling his towel off. He tosses it toward the bathroom and then he's crawling into the bed with me. As soon as he's down, I'm on him, wrapping my body around his like a blanket. His skin is still damp, but I don't care.

"Come here," he says, tugging me up until I'm draped over him, my legs twisted together with his and my upper body sprawled across his chest. He jerks the blankets up over me when I shiver, and then wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly.

I fight to keep my eyes open, but it's useless. I'm so emotionally and mentally exhausted I can't function any longer. With a sigh, I burrow into him, already on the verge of sleep.

"I love you, kitten," he whispers into my hair.

"I love you," I whisper back, unable to keep the truth to myself when the thought of losing him hurts so damn badly.

"Kitten," he breathes.

I wake up close to midnight with my heart pounding erratically. I can't remember what I was dreaming about, but fear pumps through me so strongly I gasp for air. Tears run down my face, and I'm drenched with sweat. Somehow, I've drifted away from Cam in my sleep. I'm on the far side of his big bed, an ocean of cool sheets separating us.

I'm not sure if I make a noise or what, but he stirs.

"Kitten," he mumbles, his voice rough with sleep. He reaches out for me, patting the bed. When he can't find me, he sits upright. "Kitten?"

"I'm here," I say, my voice raw.

I feel more than see him turn toward the sound of my voice, and then he's reaching out again. His hand drifts across my hip before curling around. He tugs me toward him, pulling me across the empty bed until I'm right up next to him again, anchoring myself to him with my arm across his stomach.

"Hey," he whispers, leaning over me to push damps strands of hair away from my face. The whites of his eyes are the only thing I can see in the dark, the rest of his handsome face obscured in shadow. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I run my hand up his torso to his heart, placing my palm over it. His heartbeat is steady beneath my hand. I close my eyes, focusing on the beat until mine slows to match. The fear strumming through me diminishes, but it doesn't take my anxiety with it. My chest feels tight, as if a great weight presses on me.

Cam slides down into the bed with me, rolling until we're chest to chest. He strokes his hand up and down my side, pulling out a shiver. "You worried me," he says quietly. His words are a puff of air across my face.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." He nudges his nose against mine, his lips seeking mine in the dark. "Be here with me."

I want nothing more than to be here with him. Than to stay here with him.

He brushes my lips with his, curling his hand over my hip and holding on. I tilt my face, allowing him to deepen our kiss. I can taste my tears on my lips as he slips his tongue into my mouth, teasing the tip of mine. If he tastes them, he doesn't say anything. A soft groan tumbles from his lips as he hardens against my leg.

"Roll over," he whispers against my mouth, helping to turn me until my back is against his chest. He runs his hand down my stomach and then pulls my leg up over his hip from behind. His hand slides between us, seeking out my wetness.

"Cam," I moan, arching into his touch.

He kisses my neck and then bites into my shoulder as he dips his fingers into me, teasing my clit.

His body is warm against mine, a living blanket keeping the chill in the room from me.

"God, kitten," he groans when I mewl, rocking my hips into his hand. His fingers slide across my clit before he slips one inside of me, opening me up to him. His cock nudges between my legs, bumping against his hand. He teases us both, running the head through my folds before he notches himself at my entrance.

"Touch yourself for me," he breathes, lifting his hips until he's sliding inside of me, a low groan rumbling in his throat.

I gasp his name as I slide my hand down my body. One finger swirls over my clit.

