Crash Into You Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 95676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

I press my thumb to her clit.

She comes again, sobbing this time.

"That's it," I growl. "Give me what's mine."

She fights against her restraints, trying to get free. I don't let her go. She's mine to please, mine to fuck. There's nothing she can do about it except take it. She does, again and again until sweat rolls down her body and she's pleading for mercy. Until her body is so sensitive, every thrust has my name exploding from her lips in a broken crack of sound. She doesn't use her safeword.

"Yellow," she gasps instead.

I immediately slow my thrusts, leaning forward to unbind her wrists. As soon as she's free, I lift her into my arms, draping her over me. I make love to her slowly this time, gently.

My lips drift across her shoulders and collarbones, and then across her face as I bring her back down. "So perfect," I whisper against her skin, pushing her sweaty hair out of her face. "I'm keeping you, kitten. Tell me you're mine."

"I'm yours," she whispers.

"Come with me," I say, still moving inside of her. "Give me one more, sweetheart."

"Cam," she whimpers as I thrust into her and still, calling her name.

Orgasm sweeps through me, pulling me under. She comes with me, my name echoing around the room as her pussy milks the cum from my cock.

"Kitten," I chant softly, raining adoring kisses across her face.

"I love tattoos," Ivy murmurs, tracing her fingertips across the bold lines of the cross inked onto my shoulder blade. I'm on my stomach with the sheets twisted around my hips, watching her as if nothing outside of this bed exists in this moment. For me, it doesn't.

"You don't have any," I point out.

"I've always wanted one." She runs her finger across the blue ribbon wrapped around the cross. "I just don't like needles."

"You'd look good with one." I smile, trailing a hand across her side. My fingertips ghost across her ribcage. "Right here."


"Strands of ivy."

She smiles. "What's this one for? The one with the date."

I tense at the question, a flash of pain flowing through me.

Her gaze flits to my face. "You don't have to tell me."

"A friend was shot and killed in the line of duty," I murmur. "The cross is for him."

"Oh. I'm sorry you lost your friend," she whispers, leaning down to press her lips to the ink.

Fuck, she's sweet.

"Me too." A soft exhalation of air escapes my lips. "We met at the Academy. Graduated in the same class fifteen years ago."

She crawls toward me, the blankets falling from around her. My cock stirs at the sight of her soft body before she moves up behind me and straddle my hips, running her hands up my spine. I groan as her fingers dig into the tight muscles of my back.

"Chris was on a traffic stop," I say, relaxing beneath her touch. "He walked up to the car and this twenty-year-old kid opened fire. The bastard had an ounce of pot on him and didn't want to go to jail."

"Oh, wow."

"Chris died instantly. The kid who shot him is on death row now. All over a fucking bag of pot." A year later, marijuana was legalized in the state.

"I'm sorry." Ivy presses her lips to my shoulder in a soft kiss, trying to comfort me. And then she makes a distressed sound. "Have you ever been shot at?"

I turn over beneath her, grasping her hips to steady her. "Yes," I murmur, not lying to her. This job isn't easy. Neither is being in a relationship with a cop. I'm not going to lie to her about that. "I've been shot at twice."

"W-what happened?"

"I deal with criminals every day, kitten," I say instead of giving her the gory details. "They don't always play nice."

"I don't want anything to happen to you," she whispers, pressing her lips to my palm.

I smile at her, my expression softening. "You think I don't know that? I promise you, so long as I have a say in the matter, I will be coming home at the end of the day. There's no way I'm going to let some motherfucker take my life when it's only just getting good. Believe that."

"Your life wasn't good before?" she asks, tilting her head to the side to look at me.

"It was. But it's gotten a hell of a lot better since I met you."

"Oh." Tears well in her eyes, her expression soft. "My life is better with you in it too," she whispers. "Even with all of this going on, I don't regret meeting you, Cam. I never will."

God, I can't wait until she's ready to admit she's in love with me.

I sit up, wrapping an arm around her waist. "You're mine, sweetheart," I breathe against her lips.

"It's been a long time since I belonged anywhere," she murmurs when I finally let her up for air.

