Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

“Viktor,” I gasp. “Please.”

His teeth nip at my sensitive flesh before he sucks me so hard, I see stars. My body starts to convulse, and as my release finally hits, I can only let out soft moans.

When I start to come down, he crawls up my body and starts to kiss me with so much passion it brings tears to my eyes.

He doesn’t enter me immediately but continues to kiss me as if it’s all he wants to do for the rest of our lives.

This is one of the reasons I love Viktor. Even though he can be brutal, he has such a tender side when it comes to me.

After seeing what he’s capable of, I realized just how patient and caring he was with me even though I kept pushing him away.

No, he didn’t kidnap me. He saved me and captured my heart.

I break the kiss, and breathless, I say, “I love you so much.”

Viktor’s mouth curves up into a hot smile. “Slava ne mogut apisat’ mayu u lyubof’ k tebe, moya Malen'kaya Roza.”

“What does that mean?”

“Words can’t describe my love for you, my Little Rose.”

My eyes fill with tears, but Viktor stops them from falling with a kiss that curls my toes. I feel his hard length between my legs, and lifting my hips, I start to rub myself against him.

“Jesus,” he mutters into my mouth, his hands moving to my breasts and tweaking my nipples into hard peaks. He peppers hungry kisses down my throat while thrusting against me.

I love the friction of his hardness rubbing against me. My hips jerk faster and faster, but then he suddenly pulls away. Pushing his hand down between us, he takes hold of himself and presses his cock against my opening.

Bracing himself on his left arm, he looks down at where he’s entering me, but it’s barely an inch before he pulls out and rubs over my clit again.

“Viktor,” I complain, which only earns me a dark chuckle.

He starts to torture me by only giving me an inch, then rubbing my clit. It drives me wild until my left hand claws at the back of his neck.

“Please,” I beg. “Please.”

Suddenly, Viktor slams into me. Although it hurts, the pain is nothing compared to the first time.

He buries himself to the hilt, his eyes drifting shut with pleasure. “Christ, moya Malen'kaya Roza. Your pussy takes me so well.”

Heat flushes through me, and I clench around his hard length.

Slowly, he pulls out before plunging back into me with a hard thrust that moves my body up, making pleasure light up in my core.

His eyes burn on my face as his right hand grips my hip. “I love how tight you are. You fit me like a glove.”

I only manage to take half a breath when he thrusts inside me again. His fingers dig into my skin to hold me in place, then he starts to pick up his pace until he’s hammering so hard into me, I can only gasp.

My hips start to move on their own, trying to meet his desperate thrusts as the sound of our love-making fills the room.

Viktor pushes his left hand beneath my butt, and he grips the cheeks so tight I can’t move my hips. His right hand wraps around my throat and he fucks me so hard I can’t think straight.

I can only gasp and moan as he owns every inch of me.

His eyes burn into mine, his features drawn tight with brutal possessiveness.

All the friction of his pelvis rubbing against my clit and his cock filling me roughly sends me tumbling over the cliff. A scream is torn from me, and my vision goes black as my body practically has a seizure from the consuming pleasure ravaging me.

“That’s it, baby. You clamp so fucking hard around me when you come,” he grumbles near my parted lips.

The waves of ecstasy keep hitting until Viktor enters me so hard, the slap of skin echoes through the room. With him buried deep inside me, his body jerks, and he lets out the sexiest groan.

Just as I start to come down, Viktor thrusts again, and it sends residual spasms through my body, making me twitch like a live wire.

His lips brush against mine as he praises me, “Such a good girl.”

When he slams into me for the last time, he presses his forehead to mine. “Feel that, moya Malen'kaya Roza. We’re one.”

My lips curve up. “I love that.”

With the pleasure fading and our breaths returning to normal, Viktor pulls out of me. We both freeze at the same time.

My eyes widen when I feel something warm trickle out of me.

Viktor’s head snaps down, then he curses, “Blyadʹ, I took you bare.”

“Oh shit,” I gasp, also looking down. The sight of Viktor’s hard length glistening with a mixture of my arousal and blood distracts me for a moment.

