Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

My nerves are shot to hell when I take a cab to the airport. I’ve decided to fly to Toronto. It’s another country and the last place I was with my family. Hopefully, the Cosa Nostra won’t follow me there.

I have no idea what I’ll do if they come after me.

If I go back to Viktor now, it will be because I need his protection, and that's not fair to him.

My thoughts are inundated with so many things it’s hard to focus.

I loved every second of the last two days I spent in Viktor’s arms, but I still feel guilty. It’s hard to explain. Making love to Viktor felt right, but my conscience can’t forget that he took part in killing my grandfather and uncle.

It makes me a bad person. Right? I slept with the man who wiped out my family.

I fell in love with my kidnapper.

I let out a burst of laughter that turns into a sob.

God, it feels like I’m being torn in half. Part of me wants to be with Viktor, and the other part can’t betray my family.

And now the Cosa Nostra is threatening to kill me.

Because your grandfather stole ten million dollars from them.

“Shit,” I whisper, my eyes blind to the scenery passing us by as we drive to the airport. “What did you do, Nonno?”

When we pull up to the departure terminal, I quickly settle the fee and climb out. The driver unloads my luggage, then wishes me a safe flight.

Grabbing my luggage, I hurry into the terminal and rush to the section for American Airways to book the flight.

Just as I’m about to join the queue, a man steps in front of me. He pulls his jacket to the side, exposing his gun, then says, “Mr. Parisi wants to see you.”

My eyes dart to the man’s face, and I take in the brutal expression, warning me not to try to run.

“I’m instructed to kill you if you give me any trouble,” he threatens.

Oh, God.

The shock of being stopped right before making my escape knocks me back a step.

The man nods in the direction of the exit. “Walk.”

My legs turn to lead as I start to move.

Would he really shoot me if I tried to run?

Yes. This is the mafia you’re dealing with.

With every step I take, my heart beats faster and faster. I start to slow down as we approach the exit, but the man grabs one of my bags from me and takes hold of my arm with a brutal grip. I’m yanked forward, and a soft cry escapes me.

“I will fucking shoot you,” he threatens again.

All the other people are too busy rushing to their destinations to notice I’m being forcefully dragged out of the airport.

Another man comes to take my luggage. I try to twist my arm out of the painful grip the man has on me while I’m strongarmed into the back of an SUV. I’m shoved so hard, I sprawl over the backseat.


I scramble into a sitting position, and while the men are busy climbing into the vehicle, I quickly pull my phone out of my handbag.

Just as I press dial on Viktor’s name, the device is ripped from my hands, and the call is ended.

Shit. Please, let it show a missed call.

“Try a stunt like that again and…” He pulls his gun out of the holster and presses it to my temple, then shouts, “Bang.”

My whole body jerks with fright, and fear sends shivers rushing through me.

He doesn’t holster his weapon again but rests it on his thigh as the other man drives us to the Parisis’ mansion.

I’m forcefully yanked out of the SUV and dragged into the house. Music is still coming from outside, where Alissa is celebrating her birthday.

Was she in on it? Was that why she came to visit me and invited me to her party?

A sense of betrayal rocks me to my core as I’m hauled to the study and shoved into the room. The door slams shut behind me, and with wide eyes, I stare at the five heads of the Cosa Nostra.

Mr. Parisi gestures to the chair I sat in earlier, but I ignore it. I’ll rather stand.

My heart is pounding a mile a minute, my mouth dry from the breaths rushing from me.

I should’ve left all my belongings. I should’ve taken the cab earlier out of the city before they could get guards to watch me. I should’ve told Viktor what was happening while I had the chance.

Shit, I was so damn stupid.

When I don’t move, Mr. Greco gets up, and with three steps, he reaches me. His palm connects so hard with my cheek, I fall to the side. Pain engulfs the entire left side of my face, my skin prickling as if tiny flames are licking at me.

“I’m not surprised you tried to run,” Mr. Parisi says. “I haven’t met a Manno that’s not a coward.”

