Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Good girl, moya Malen'kaya Roza.

Pushing my finger inside her, her inner walls clamp desperately around me. I pump my cock before positioning myself at her opening.

Wanting to see how long she’ll keep up the act, I only push the head inside before pulling out and rubbing my cock over her clit. I keep repeating the action, my eyes roving greedily over her unresponsive body.

Christ. This is so fucking erotic I’m going to lose my mind.

Bracing my hands on either side of her waist, I spread my knees wide, forcing her legs to open even more until the crack of her ass is pressed against my balls.

With the perfect view of her dripping arousal, I slowly enter her, relishing every inch I stretch her entrance with my thick girth.

Watching her greedy pussy take every inch of me in a painstakingly slowly thrust has every muscle in my body wound so fucking tight it feels like I’m going to snap.

I pull out just as slowly, my hard-on jerking with intense desperation to pound into her. When I push back inside her, I grind my pelvis against her sensitive bundle of nerves, and my tight as fuck balls against her ass.

“Blyadʹ,” I hiss, my body shaking from the effort it’s taking to hold back.

Rosalie’s breaths sped up while I was focused on torturing myself. Her body is trembling so badly, her fingers gripping the sheets until her knuckles turn white.

“Don’t move,” I remind her.

Torturously slowly, I thrust back inside her and keep myself buried as I grind against her.

This time a whimper escapes her, her inner muscles strangling the fuck out of my cock.

My sight blurs as my breath explodes from me, and then all is lost as my hips start to pound my aching cock into her.

Rosalie’s hands fist the covers tighter, her back arching and her lips parting on a silent scream.

I slam so fucking hard into her, my pace relentless until she finally loses the fight. Her orgasm tears through her, making her convulse as whimpers spill from her.

Rosalie’s pleasure is so intense that she blacks out, her body slumping against the mattress.

Christ. Fuck. Shit.

Grabbing hold of her hips to keep her limp body in place, I pound into her. With it no longer role-playing but the real deal, the most intense orgasm rips the air from my lungs. Again, my vision blurs as the muscles in my body strain. My balls tighten painfully, then I jerk inside her with short hard thrusts, my release exploding through me and filling her.

Rosalie regains consciousness as I keep thrusting, my pleasure so fucking intense, it rips a roar from me.

The orgasm lasts so long that I can’t handle all the pleasure. I fall over Rosalie, and jerking against her body, I struggle to breathe through the ecstasy.

She wraps her arms and legs around me, locking my body to hers.

I manage to push my arms beneath her and hold her as tight as I can with the little strength I have left.

We lie still for close to thirty minutes before I lift my head to look at her. A smile spreads over my face, and satisfaction pours through my veins when I see she’s fallen asleep.

With me still buried deep inside her.

Not giving a fuck about cleaning up, I relax on top of her and close my eyes. With our naked bodies one, I let sleep take me.

After the intense afternoon we had, Rosalie and I have zero strength to do anything.

I feed Luna and fix us grilled cheese sandwiches. Sitting on the couch, we watch reruns of CSI.

When we’re done eating, I place the plates on the coffee table, and lying down on the couch, I position Rosalie, so she’s lying on top of me.

“I’ll probably fall asleep again,” she mumbles against my chest. “There might be drool.”

“Go for it, moya Malen'kaya Roza.” I brush my fingers up and down her back as I watch some dumb fuck trying to cover up a murder.

“Viktor,” Rosalie whispers.


“Thank you for today.”

I tilt my head, so I can glance down at her. “I enjoyed it too.”

A fuck ton. We’ll definitely do that again.

She turns her head and rests her chin on my chest. “Is it weird that I loved it after what I’ve been through?”

“No.” I move my hand to her cheek, caressing her soft skin. “Not at all. I showed you that even if you’re unconscious, you’re safe with me. I think that helped in some way. Right?”

She nods, then stretches her body to press a kiss to my jaw. “It was healing.”

“Good.” Taking hold of her chin, I bring her mouth to mine and kiss her tenderly. When I let her go, I add, “What fantasies do you have?”

“Hell,” she murmurs as she thinks. “You’re a living, breathing fantasy for me.”

“You don’t mind that mine are twisted?”

