Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Mom glares at Dad. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Ah… because I just heard about it five minutes ago.”

“Oh,” Mom deflates, and it saves Dad from being in trouble. She turns her attention back to Rosalie, then rushes forward and pulls her into a hug. “Oh, sweetheart,” Mom coos as if she’s talking to a baby. “Everything will be better soon. I’m so sorry they hurt you.”

With Rosalie’s fingers squeezing the life out of mine, I say, “Let her breathe, Mom.”

Mom quickly lets go, giving Rosalie a smile. “Sorry, I’m a hugger.”

“It’s okay,” Rosalie tries to reassure her while stepping closer to me.

I glance at Dad, who has a pleased smile on my face. “Good job yesterday. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I gesture at Luna, who’s sitting next to Rosalie’s leg. “We just came to get our baby. Thanks for taking care of her.”

“You’re not staying for dinner?” Mom asks. “I made pot roast.”

Looking down at Rosalie, I ask, “Do you want to stay?”

Still a little nervous, she nods. “Sure. That will be nice.”

Just then, we hear Uncle Alexei’s laughter and Aunt Isabella snapping, “Wipe that smile off your face. I swear, your farts stink so bad, you’d swear you’re already dead and decomposing.”

“Eau De Koslov,” he chuckles.

“You’ve got the eww part right.”

They come around the corner, then see us all watching them.

“You’re back,” Uncle Alexei says, his eyes snapping to Rosalie. “And now I understand why you killed four men.”

“Sweet Jesus,” Aunt Isabella murmurs as she rushes forward. “What the hell did they do to you?”

“Real subtle,” I mutter. Letting go of Rosalie’s hand, I wrap my arm around her. “Can we talk about anything but the trauma she suffered, please?”

Uncle Alexei grins at me. “I heard you used the move I taught you to break Greco’s neck?”

When I nod, he comes to pat me on my shoulder. “Badass.” He stops in front of Rosalie. “Are you going to stay with us?”

Squeezing right against my side, Rosalie nods.

Uncle Alexei’s gaze flicks between us, then he says, “Didn’t I call it?”

“We all called it,” Dad mutters.

“Yeah, but I called it first.”

We watch them argue as they walk to the dining room. Leaning down, I whisper. “They’re talking about us getting together.”

“I figured as much,” Rosalie whispers. “They’re super intense. I see where you get it from.”

When we head to the dining room, Luna follows us and lies down next to Rosalie’s chair.

“She’s not going to let you out of her sight,” I chuckle as I sit down at the head of the table, with Rosalie to my right.

Rosalie leans down to pet Luna’s head. “Mommy’s good girl.”

When she straightens up, I lock eyes with her and murmur so only she will hear, “Daddy’s good girl.”

Rosalie’s cheeks light up, and she quickly checks to see if Dad or Uncle Alexei heard, but they’re too busy talking about the vacation they’re planning.

“Where are you going this year?” I ask.

“Bali,” Uncle Alexei answers. “It’s the women’s turn to pick.”

To my surprise, Rosalie says, “The pictures I saw of Bali are beautiful.”

Just then, Mom and Aunt Isabella carry in the food.

Mom smiles at us, “You could come with?” Her eyes settle on me. “You haven’t taken a vacation since you took over the bratva.”

I glance at Rosalie. “What do you think?”

“Me?” she gasps. “Why me?”

I tilt my head, the corner of my mouth lifting. “Because we’ll be going on vacation. You have a say too.”

Her eyes widen. “To Bali? Us? This year?”

Everyone starts to laugh, which makes Rosalie blush harder.

Lifting my hand, I brush my knuckles over her cheek. “Do you want to go on vacation with my parents?”

“Ah…” Rosalie glances around the table before looking at me again. “You can decide.”

Turning my attention to my parents, I say, “Give us some time to think about it.”

When everyone’s seated and we’ve helped ourselves to Mom’s pot roast, the conversation flows easily, and Rosalie seems to relax.

It’s the first time we’re doing something together as a couple.

I love it.

Chapter 34


Waking up with my back pressed to Viktor’s solid chest and his arms wrapped around me is still surreal.

It’s been two weeks since the ordeal with the Cosa Nostra. The bruises on my face have healed, but I’m still working on the ones in my heart.

One big thing that’s changed is I’m allowed to go out as long as I take Joseph and his team to guard me. Not that I’ve been out much, but knowing I can makes all the difference.

I’ve resumed playing with Luna and reading my collection of books during the day, but I’ve also started helping around the house.

I can’t cook, though, so that’s still Viktor’s baby, and at night we cuddle in front of the TV. We never finish a movie because we always end up making out, which leads to steamy moments.

