Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

“Do you want to finish your exam then, Dr. Dylan?” His hands went to his tool belt. “I can undress the rest of the way if you’d like a closer look.” He unlatched his heavy tool belt and dropped it next to his portable toolbox.

Dylan’s heart went from racing to pounding in an instant at the thought of seeing Ford totally naked. “Don’t.”

“Why? Will you be too tempted?”

Cocky fucker. “I have zero interest in you.” Sometimes lies stuck like glue in his mouth. This one was no exception.

“Bullshit.” Ford chuckled and shook his head. When he was done being amused, he sobered quickly and locked eyes with him. “Why don’t you prove you don’t?”

“How the hell am I supposed to prove that?”

“By doing this.” Ford grabbed the arm holding him and jerked it hard, causing their bodies to collide.

Before Dylan could recover his breath and put space between them, Ford locked lips with him.

Dylan planted his hands on Ford’s damp chest to push him away but as soon as his fingers met the man’s hard flesh, the opposite happened. His grip tightened and, using his body, he pinned the slightly taller man against the run-in shed’s wall.

What Dylan had been trying to avoid earlier was no longer avoidable. All the blood rushed from his brain into his cock. He couldn’t hide his hard-on since it pressed against Ford’s.

He closed his eyes and sank into Ford’s heated, damp body, while deepening the kiss. Their tongues clashed, their lips wrestled, their breathing hitched.

Damn it. He wasn’t proving Ford wrong; he was proving him right. Especially when Dylan automatically ground his hips against him.

It had been a while since he’d been intimate with a man. He knew better than to look at one twice since returning to Fisher Falls. He had no idea that Ford swung that way. Or more like swung both ways like a broken screen door. The same as Dylan did.

While it was enlightening, it was also troublesome now that he knew. Dylan had checked out the man from afar plenty of times while Ford worked around the property but never thought to act on his attraction.

He figured since Ford had “occasional” sex with Erin, he was straight.

Shit. Maybe that was why they only hooked up sporadically. He could be hooking up with men on “occasion,” too.

Did Erin know?

Dylan certainly hadn’t shared his proclivities with her, either.

If she found out, how would she react? Would she not have a problem with it, or be disgusted?

The problem with this new discovery was, Ford now knew about Dylan’s sexuality. Would he tell her? The man could easily make up a story about him, claiming Dylan hit on him and Ford rejected his advances. A story like that could end up being a cockblock when it came to rekindling his relationship with her.

Ford’s hands at Dylan’s belt had him twisting his head to free himself from the unexpected situation.

“Stop,” he demanded between his panting. Once free, he turned away to hide his reaction because he was breathing so hard, he was becoming light-headed.

Or maybe that was from losing his head.

Or from the excitement of discovering the man he had stared at for the last few months was attracted to him in the same way.

No matter what, he couldn’t kiss Ford again. Not only was he Erin’s “friend with benefits,” but now also a ranch employee. Despite his denial, Dylan was one of Ford’s bosses.

And having sex or even playing around with Ford could get messy in more than one way. Not resisting Ford could screw up their working relationship, his chance at Erin, maybe even the resort’s reputation.

Did he just cause it to be tarnished?

He worked too hard and spent too much money to have the business fail before it even got off the ground.

He ground his teeth at his own weakness.

He needed to get the hell out of there. Now. Then they both needed to forget this ever happened.

Without another word or even a glance back, Dylan strode out of the run-in shed and directly to his UTV.

Luckily, Ford didn’t try to stop him.

Because if he had, their cock-hardening kiss might’ve ended up being so much more.

What the hell just happened?

Did he really make out with his new boss?

Thankfully he hadn’t sold off his business yet. He would need to keep it after he got fired.

Because Ford just exposed Dylan’s secret.

Or at least one of them.

But Dylan shouldn’t worry about Ford exposing his sexuality since, for the most part, he kept his under wraps, too.

Fisher Falls was not the most accepting when it came to anyone not straight as an arrow. The men around here prided themselves on being “real men.” Grunt, grunt. The area was full of farmers, hunters, fishermen and even some end-of-world preppers. The farther you traveled from the center of town, the more likely you’d run into someone who despised the government, as well as anyone who didn’t act or look the same as them.

