Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

“The flame I thought was extinguished… It’s rekindled.”

He stared at her for a moment. Flame? Rekindled?

Dylan had mentioned kissing her, but had something else happened since then? “You slept with Dylan.”


He shook his head. “Then what?”

“He kissed me.”

Since she wasn’t aware that Dylan already confessed to that, he decided to act like it was news to him. “Without your consent?”

“No! No. Nothing like that.” She pulled away and rounded the table to take her seat before flipping a hand toward his place setting. “Let’s start before it gets cold.”

He settled in the chair across from her and took a big bite of the meatloaf. She never missed with her grandmother’s recipe. She should share it with Danica. He was damn sure some of the resort’s guests would love it as much as he did.

After swallowing, he said, “So, you want to fuck him.”

She pulled in a breath, picked up her fork and stared at her meal.

“He wants to fuck you.” Ford reworded it when she didn’t respond and wouldn’t meet his eyes across the table.

After scooping up some the mashed potatoes, she paused the fork in front of her mouth. “I would like to… explore the possibilities?”

“You don’t sound sure.”

“I would like to explore the possibilities,” she repeated more firmly before shoving the fork into her mouth.

He nodded while chewing some of the savory cabbage. He chased it down with a mouthful of beer. “Since when do you need permission from me? Our relationship was never like that.”

“I know, but not only is he an ex, he’s your boss. I don’t want to cause any issues for you or want it to be awkward for any of us.”

The only issue between Dylan and Ford right now was their own kiss two days ago. Since then, the co-owner of Double D Ranch had avoided him like he was contagious. “Do you plan on being exclusive with him?”

A wrinkle appeared along her brow. “I don’t know. I haven’t thought that far ahead. It was only one kiss.”

According to what Dylan revealed, she left out the part about him fingering her.

Since he wanted her to always feel free to share her feelings or her desires with him, maybe he could reassure her with a little confession of his own. “Let me tell you something, darlin’… Something I haven’t told you because it wasn’t any of your business, just like you kissing Dylan wasn’t any of mine. We’ve kissed, too.”

“Yes, we’ve kissed plenty of⁠—”

“Dylan and I.”

Her gaping mouth snapped shut and she carefully placed her fork on her plate. “What?”

“He’s more than what he presents on the surface.”

With wide eyes, she pressed fingers to her lips. “He’s… bi? Holy shit.”

“Very, and no one knows, apparently. Not even his family.”

“Then, should you be telling me this?”

Good question. “Probably not. However, I know you won’t share that info with anyone, and since I was an involved party…” He let that drift off. He gave her enough info that she could figure out the rest on her own.

“But that means… You’re bi?”


“You never told me.”

He sat back and tipped the beer bottle to his lips. “No reason to share. Once I moved here, I didn’t think it would be accepted in this area.” He’d keep his travels to State College to himself for now. However, if she asked, he wouldn’t lie.

Would he prefer to find someone closer, like Dylan Lyons? Maybe not “like” Dylan, but the man himself since he was hot as hell and sexy, too. Plus, from what was ground against him the other day, his boss seemed to not be lacking in the cock department.

From what he could tell, it wasn’t a monster, but it also wasn’t a button mushroom.

He looked across the table at the reason that particular option might never be available. He had no doubt who Dylan would pick, if given the choice.

“Well,” Erin started, “this area still might be behind the times, but I think the resort and its guests will be turning this town on its ear. Let’s hope it opens some minds along the way.”

He could only hope, but… “Don’t expect miracles.”

Her lips thinned out. “I won’t. And this is why I wanted to talk to you.”

“To tell me that you’re worried about what others might think if you’re involved, even casually, with two different men?” He could certainly understand that concern.

“I’ll admit, I’m a little worried about that.”

“Wait until they find out you are doing two men at the same time.”

“What are you talking about?” She frowned. “Do you mean at the actual same time and not in the same time period?”

He shrugged. “Why not?”


He was surprised that suggestion shocked her. She had always been open-minded. But maybe a threesome was a step too far? Did he finally find her limit?

He sighed. “Look, do you still want me?”

