Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

The newly hired facilities manager had to be putting the finishing touches on the structure.

After driving through the open gate and parking next to Ford’s dually, he heard classic rock blasting from the truck’s open windows. However, he didn’t see the vehicle’s owner. Once he climbed from the UTV, Dylan couldn’t miss the hammering over the loud music, so he headed in that direction.

He rounded the shed to the open side to see the half-naked man installing a bracket for a salt block. Dylan’s feet stuttered to a halt, and he took him in, despite being irritated for being unable to stop from doing so.

Not only was Ford shirtless, his bare chest was slick with sweat from working in the heat of the day. A small patch of dark hair nestled between his defined pecs glistened in the unavoidable sliver of sun due to where he worked. Even his impressive six-pack abs were damp from perspiration.

Since Ford still had no idea he was there, Dylan muttered, “Hope you’re wearing sunscreen,” doing his damnedest to stop staring.

He failed.

Ford quickly straightened and, after containing his surprise, answered, “Always.”

He pounded in the last nail before holstering the hammer in the leather tool belt hanging low off his hips. It had to be heavy since it pulled his jeans down enough to expose another belt. The Adonis belt. Those tempting grooves of muscle running south at an angle from his hips to another tool, one not used for construction but rather filling Erin with cum.

Dylan gritted his teeth at the memory of that unexpected discovery.

After pulling off his baseball cap, Ford swiped a forearm across his damp forehead, then whacked the sweat-ringed hat on this thigh before slapping it back on his head.

It was impossible for Dylan to pull his gaze free when his newest employee grabbed a plastic gallon jug off the ground where it had been sitting near a toolbox. Putting it to his lips, he chugged the water, obviously not caring that it spilled down his chin and chest. Dylan unglued his gaze from the man’s Adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow, only to watch the rivulets of water forge a path down his tan torso.

Unfortunately, Ford wasn’t the only one thirsty in that run-in shed.

As soon as Ford had his fill, he yanked off his hat again and poured the rest of the water over his head. Once his hair was soaked, he shook his head like a wet dog, sending droplets flying, some of them even hitting Dylan. Dylan closed his eyes and licked away the drop that landed near the corner of his mouth.

Hearing, “Just finished up out here by installing the hay rack, grain feeders and, of course, this salt block holder,” had Dylan’s eyes flashing back open.

Jesus. He certainly didn’t need to get a damn hard-on over a wet dog like Ford.

Dylan cleared his throat and diverted his gaze elsewhere, hoping his cock didn’t betray him. The last thing he wanted was to be outed to the man standing before him. The one who fucked Erin “occasionally.”

That reminder was enough to stop the blood from rushing south. “My brother said you took the facilities manager position.”

“I did. He made the offer hard to resist.”

“Harder to resist than Erin?” Damn it.

Planting a hand on his hip, Ford dropped his head and stared at his boots.

Was he annoyed? If so, good. So was Dylan. “Have you spoken with her since the open house last weekend?”

Ford lifted his head and narrowed his dark eyes on him. “No. Should I have?”

Dylan shrugged. “I thought you two saw each other regularly.”

“I said occasionally. We’re not tied at the hip.”

Do you want to be? At least that didn’t slip out.

Ford watched Dylan carefully. “Is there a problem?”

Dylan struggled to keep his expression neutral. “No, I’m only surprised she’s fine with a casual relationship since all she talked about in high school was how she wanted to get married and have kids.”

“She got married, remember? Just not to you.”

Dylan’s tight jaw shifted. “But she’s been a widow for a while now. I figured she’d be ready to settle down again.”

“Did you ask her if that’s what she wants?”

“I didn’t get the chance before figuring out that you two fucked somewhere on the property during the open house.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“She didn’t have to. I discovered it on my own.”

Ford’s eyebrows shot up his sweat-beaded forehead. “How? You said that there’d be no cameras in the playrooms.”

Dylan’s head jerked back. “You fucked her in one of the playrooms? Nobody was supposed to be up there on Saturday.”

“She asked to see them.”

“How did she even know they existed?”

“I told her. I didn’t know it was supposed to be a secret.”

“For the locals, yes.”

“She’s not your average local.”

“Apparently,” Dylan muttered.

“So, you do have cameras in the rooms up there.”

