This is Forever Read online Natasha Madison (This Is #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: This Is Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 106346 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 425(@250wpm)___ 354(@300wpm)

“Yeah,” he hisses and then leans down and kisses me. At first, it starts with just a peck, and then the peck gets longer, and he leans down, this time, lingering even longer. The next time he comes back, I slide my tongue out and slip it into his mouth. I push myself into him, and he rolls us to the side and takes the kiss deeper. His tongue invades my mouth, and his kisses leave me itching for more. Wanting more. He leaves my mouth and slowly moves down to my neck, and I give him access and close my eyes, his smell all over me. He rolls me to my back, and his arms on either side of my head hold him up. My legs open for him, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His mouth comes back to me, and he kisses me again, and then he stops suddenly. “I really, really don’t want to stop,” he says. I suddenly get a rush of embarrassment, and I lose eye contact with him. “Hold on tight, sweetheart,” he says, and I look at him confused. “We’re going to do this, just not next to Dylan.” He motions his head to the side where Dylan is on his back passed out. “I’m getting up now,” he says, and he wraps one of his arms around my waist and picks me up. My arms and legs tighten around him, and he walks out of the fort.

I bury my face in his neck and rub my nose against him back and forth, giving him little soft butterfly kisses. He walks us to his room and puts his knee on the bed and slowly lowers me. My hands loosen their hold of him, and just like that, his lips are on mine again. The kisses are everything you dream of. When you’re a little girl and you read all the fairy tales about the handsome prince coming to save you, this is what you dream the kisses are. This is what you dream would happen.

My hands roam from his neck to his shoulders softly down his back, and then I take the biggest step. I raise his shirt, and I finally touch him where I’ve wanted to touch him since I saw him without his shirt. My hands roam to the front of his shirt, and I slowly move them up over his abs and one hand rests on his chest right where I feel his heart beating under my hand. “Justin,” I say breathlessly when he leaves my lips and slowly kisses me from my cheek to my jaw and then slowly kisses me down to my neck and right behind my ear.

“Everything,” he says, and my eyes close at the sound of his soft voice. “Everything about you is perfect.” I shiver at his words. His mouth is on mine again, and this time, I’m the aggressive one. I can’t get enough of him. I want to touch all of him. Whatever the future holds, all I want is this moment right here. It’s a moment that when I’m seventy and talking to my grandkids, I’ll tell them about this man who became my prince for a short while.

“Justin,” I say his name over and over again as he kisses, licks, and nips his way down. His hand goes under my shirt, and I arch my back, itching for him to touch me more. Itching to feel his skin on mine. “Take it off,” I say as soon as he cups my bare breast.

“Fuck,” he hisses, and I move my hips up just a bit so I’m lined up with his covered cock. “I need to close and lock the door,” he says and gets up, walking to the door and shutting it. “I don’t think I can face Dylan if he comes in here, and I’m trying to get busy with his mother,” he jokes, and I hide my face and laugh. “Don’t do that.” His voice comes out again, and I look at him as he takes his shirt off. My stomach flips, and my heart speeds up. “Don’t hide from me.”

“I’m not hiding from you,” I say, getting on my elbows. “I’m just shy.”

“Don’t,” he says, coming back to the bed and standing at the edge. “Don’t ever be shy in front of me.”

“But …” I start to say. “I just ….” I try to find the words, and I know this could totally change the course of tonight. “I’ve been with one man my whole life.”

“What?” he whispers.

“I mean, you knew I wasn’t a virgin,” I joke, and he just shakes his head. “But Andrew was the only one I’ve been with, and I know …” I try to not make eye contact. “I can guess you’ve had your share of women.”

