This is Forever Read online Natasha Madison (This Is #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: This Is Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 106346 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 425(@250wpm)___ 354(@300wpm)

I wash my face with cold water, hoping that it’ll make the sting of tears go away. “It’s just temporary,” I say to myself while I dab my face with the towel. “Soon enough, he’ll move on.” I have to prepare myself for it, but my heart, my heart is left unprotected for the first time.

Chapter Nineteen


I’m scrolling Instagram trying to get my hard-on down when Dylan comes out of the bathroom in his boxers. “Oh, hey,” he says, going to the fridge. “I didn’t see you there.”

“I got here when you went into the shower,” I say and get up to help him open the orange juice that is in his hand. I open the cupboards and find it bare with just two of everything and nothing more. My heart breaks for her. And hearing her story made me fall for her even more. If there is anyone who should give up and wave the white flag, it’s Caroline, but no. She just dusts herself off and gets ready for more.

“Did you bring food?” he asks me while I pour the orange juice, and I nod. He turns to look at the table. “Doughnuts!” he says, grabbing the glass of juice I hold out for him. He walks over to the table, and after I put the juice back into the fridge, I go sit down at the table while he decides which doughnut he wants. “Is this one filled with jelly?” he asks about the white powdered one, and I nod. “That’s Mom’s favorite,” he says and chooses another one. After taking a bite of it, he sits down on the chair.

“Now go get dressed,” I say when he’s finished, and Dylan nods, getting up and knocking on the bedroom door before going in. I put my head back and close my eyes, the pit of my stomach burning. They share a bedroom. I grab my phone again and scroll through my private Instagram, which is mostly just my family. I see that Viktor and Zoe are on the last leg of their vacation, and my niece looks more and more like Zoe.

The door opens, and the smile I have on my face fades when I see her. The dress just makes her more angelic, and I’m almost afraid to touch her. The best part is that she has no idea just how beautiful she is. The dress doesn’t show any of her curves that I know are under there. My cock springs to action again when I look her up and down, and the smiles fades as I panic about having a hard-on and Dylan coming into the room. She looks down and escapes the room before I say anything.

My heart pounds in my chest. “I can’t have another one. Mom is going to be mad if I have another one,” Dylan says, but my eyes are on the closed bathroom door. I watch while he finishes the orange juice that I poured him, then takes the glass to the sink, rinses it out, and then leaves it there.

“Did she say that?” I ask, one ear listening for his mother while he tells me he needs to eat breakfast first. “As soon as your mom is done, we can leave.”

When the bathroom door opens, and she comes out, well, I have no words anymore. “Are you ready?” Dylan asks, and she nods at him.

“Close the windows and I’ll make sure nothing is in the sink,” she says, and he gets up to close the windows.

“Can I have one more doughnut before we leave?” he asks Caroline, and I look at him. “We never get fresh doughnuts, and I promise I’ll eat my breakfast.” I want to just make him eat all the doughnuts.

“Why don’t we bring the doughnuts with us, and you can have one after breakfast?” I tell him, and his eyes go big.

“I want eggs and pancakes,” he says, going to the door. I watch Caroline walk to the sink, making sure everything is clean. She grabs her purse, slipping it around her. “Mom, are we going to church? You’re wearing your church dress.”

“Not today,” she says softly. “Not for two days,” she says, and I wait for her to walk out and lock the door. Dylan walks ahead of us, and I walk with her. The sun hits right us right away, and I look up, seeing not one cloud in the sky. “It’s going to be a hot one.”

We walk down the sidewalk toward the car. Our hands graze each other and finally my pinky grabs hers, and I hold it there in mine, her eyes going straight to our joined hands. “What’s wrong?” I ask quietly, and she just shakes her head. I stop walking, and because I’m holding her hand, she stops also. She turns to look at me and then she looks away at Dylan, who is getting to the vehicle. “You look beautiful,” I say, and she turns again to look at me, but the sun is in her face, so she squints, closing one eye. “Every single day, I don’t think you can look more beautiful.” I close in on her, and now my frame blocks the sun from her face. “But every day I’m wrong.” I lean in and kiss her lips softly.

