This is Forever Read online Natasha Madison (This Is #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: This Is Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 106346 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 425(@250wpm)___ 354(@300wpm)

“Mom, I have everything, and if I need anything, I’m going to ask Allison or Max,” he says.

“You can call whenever you want,” Max says by the door.

“We are going to pick him up at around ten,” Caroline says and then looks at Dylan. “We have church.”

“Kiss your mom,” I say, and he comes over and hugs her around the waist, and she whispers to him. Then he walks to Michael, and they walk out with Max looking at us.

“I’ll send you texts,” he says and looks at Caroline. “It’ll be okay.” Then he leans in and pretends to whisper, “I’d feel bad, too, if I had to be alone with Justin.”

I push his shoulder while Caroline laughs. “Get out.” Shoving him out the door, I can still hear the sound of his laughter through the door after I slam it shut.

“What are the chances that we don’t go out for a date?” Caroline asks, and I see her fidgeting with her fingers.

“Zero,” I say. “Go get ready.”

“But …” she starts to say.

“But nothing. Go get dressed. I’ll use Dylan’s shower,” I tell her. “Be ready in an hour.”

“Now that Dylan is gone, we can shower together.” She tries not to laugh, but she sees me glare, and the laughter escapes her mouth. She turns and walks to my bathroom and closes the door.

I feel so nervous when I grab my things and go to the other bedroom and get ready. I’m fastening the button on my right wrist when she comes in the room, and I stop what I’m doing. She’s wearing the white lace dress, and it’s long sleeves. Her hair is tied up on top of her head in a ponytail. The dress goes until her mid-thigh and then flares out just a touch with a ruffle. “Can you zip me?” she asks, and I look at the rest of the dress. It goes high to her neck, the lace playing peekaboo with her skin. She turns, and I see that she isn’t wearing a bra, her skin a soft tan. I lean forward and kiss the back of her neck and slowly zip her up and then put my hands on her hips. She turns around in my arms. “You look so hot.”

She smirks, and I look at her, seeing that the dress goes tight at her waist a bit, showing off her hips.

“You’re stunning,” I say and lean to kiss her again.

“I’ll be ready as soon as I put my heels on.” She smiles. “You might have to hold me up.” Laughing, she walks out of the room.

“Forever,” I say quietly to the empty room. I adjust my hard-on now and run my hands through my hair. Going into my bedroom to get my belt, I find her sitting on the bed, leaning forward to tie the strap around her ankle. I grab my brown belt and shoes, putting on the matching blue jacket and pulling out the cuffs.

“I’m ready,” she says, and I turn to see that the heels are white. A strap around her toes and another around her ankle. Her legs look longer than ever. “So where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” I say, and I’m suddenly afraid she is going to hate this surprise. I grab her hand, and we walk out of the apartment with her holding my one hand with both of hers. When we get into the garage, I walk over to the red sports car. She stops walking. “What’s the matter?”

“Can we not take the flashy car?”

“What, why?” I look from her to the car.

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” she says, “but this is a big deal to me. I’ve never gone on a date, and my first date is with Justin Stone.”

I try not to laugh. “And I know people are going to look at us tonight, which I’m still not okay with, but it is what it is.” She looks down. “Just, can we not draw more attention to ourselves?”

“We can take the BMW,” I say, walking over to the car and opening the door for her. She turns around before getting in.

“I know that we haven’t even left yet …” She looks down and then up again. I can see her hands shaking. “But this is the best date I’ve ever had.”

I put one hand on her hip and pull her to me while the other hand goes to cup her cheek. “It’s just the beginning.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


“It’s just the beginning.” His words hit me straight in the heart. My stomach flutters, and my knees almost get weak as his voice goes lower. He leans forward, and I finally kiss him. I’ve been dying to kiss him since I walked into the bathroom and asked him to zip me up.

He stood there in his blue pants and white dress shirt, and everything fit him like a glove, and all I wanted to do was unbutton his shirt one button at a time and just stay in. I wanted to just be with him, but here I am, getting ready to go out, wearing a dress that is so soft on my body and probably cost as much as my rent for six months. I’m not even going to think about how much the shoes cost.

