The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

“I didn’t see any glasses,” she observes when I pop the cork, slipping my thumb into the bottle neck to avoid losing too much.

“We don’t need glasses.” I tip the bottle and let a splash of the liquid hit her tummy. She gasps, her body bowing sharply with shock. The move has her nipples pushed up high, the buds erect. I swallow down my control and maneuver so I’m stretched out beside her, on my side. Flicking one last look up to her, I lower my head and catch the trickling champagne that’s running down her side, licking it up until I find myself on her abdomen.

“Oh, shit!” She slams her palms into the blanket at her sides, cracking her body further into an arch.

“Feel good, angel?” I ask, circling her belly button with my firm, slick tongue.


It feels so good, the warmth of her skin and the cold of the champagne creating a delicious mix of hot and cool in my mouth. Tipping the bottle again, this time more carefully, I start dripping the liquid across her breasts, working my way down her body until I’m at the apex of her thighs. She starts to shake, mumbling incoherent words to the treetops above.

She’s felt nothing yet. I take a swig and hold it in my mouth, then resting the bottle to the side, I push myself up and straddle her, bracing my upper body on my arms. I wait for her to open her eyes, my hardness jutting from my hips, brushing across her ribs. I can’t tell her to open, so I dip my hips, pushing my cock into her tummy. It works in an instant. Her eyes open on a desperate yelp, landing on mine with a bang. I release a little liquid from my mouth, letting it trickle across her lips. Her eyes widen with knowing delight, her hand lifting from the ground. I shake my head, and she pouts. It’s adorable, and it very nearly has me spitting out the rest of the champagne and ravishing her.

Damn, keep your control, Jake!

She licks her lips. She fucking licks her lips, slowly, purposefully, and with one hundred percent intention. The little fucking minx. I let a few more drops escape and plummet to her lips again, except this time she opens her mouth, capturing the flow. And once she’s swallowed slowly, she performs the same calculated string of movements, licking her lips. The vision is arresting. My heart kicks in my chest and my erection begs for some relief. I’m a fool. I don’t know how I thought I’d get through this, teasing her, tempting her, making her wait for me. It’s completely backfired. I swallow down the remaining champagne and shake my head to myself, silently amazed by this woman’s ability to send my self-discipline to shit.

“Taste nice?” she whispers, tilting her hips up and pushing into my groin.

I drop my head, my body concaving in a ridiculous attempt to escape her. “Stop it, angel,” I warn, clenching my eyes shut.

“Stop me,” she counters, egging me on, her voice silky and enticing.

“Fuck.” I give in to the magnetism that’s pulling my body down to hers. Our skin meets, my arms come up to lie upon hers above her head, and I swivel my hips, finding her slick opening and pushing a tiny way in. The little bit of penetration steals my breath.

She moans, arching beneath me deliciously. “Jake.”

I’m in only a tiny bit, but her muscles tighten powerfully, trying to pull me in further. I grab air, drinking it in urgently as I break out in a sweat.

“All the way,” she begs, fighting against my arms holding her down. “Jake, please!”

The sound of her begging so desperately breaks me, and I surrender to my body’s need, pushing forward until I hit her deep. “Oh Jesus,” I pant, my forehead meeting hers. “Camille…” My whole fucking body is buzzing with a need so profound, I don’t know what to fucking do with it.

“You’re shaking,” she pants, looking deeply into my eyes. So deep, I’m sure she’s found my dark soul.

I swallow down the sudden lump in my throat and start to gently rock into her, gliding smooth and slow, thriving on the constant moans and cries she’s releasing. Her sounds of pleasure are the most potent aphrodisiac, spurring on my craving. But I try to keep my rhythm cool and consistent.

“I just…” My words evaporate. I feel so fucking overwhelmed, more so than I’ve ever felt when indulging in her. Maybe it’s because I’m here, in my peaceful place. Or maybe it’s because I’ve finally accepted what I need to do. What I’ve wanted to do for so long but doubted I had the strength I know I need. Doubted myself. Cami has given me that strength. Given me clarity. I have so much to mend.

