The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

After getting us into my apartment, Jake takes me straight to my bedroom and places me on the end of the bed. Then he turns and starts to walk away.

“How did you get that bullet wound?” I blurt, desperate to know more that will clue me in to what just happened in that bathroom. He was there but wasn’t.

He stops but keeps his back to me. “I was shot in combat.”

War. “You were in the army.” I state it as a fact, since it is, but I feel it’s a good starting point to try and coax more from him.

He nods, turning around to face me. “SAS.”

I feel my eyes widen. “Like a spy or something?”

“I was a sniper.”

My mind goes into overdrive. “Is that why you’re not in the services anymore, because you were wounded?”

“Something like that,” he mutters, looking past me, like too many bad memories are invading his mind.

“How did it happen?” I ask, hungry for more information.

“Bad judgment.”

I bite my lip, my mind racing. I’m taking in all of his uncomfortable vibes right now and concluding that however that wound occurred, it haunts him. I can see a shimmer of sweat forming on his brow and he seems to be in a little bit of a trance, just the mention of his wound affecting him severely. And then he flinches as if shaking off a memory. It confirms my thoughts. He has flashbacks. I’ve heard of it, men coming home from war with post-traumatic stress syndrome. I’ve heard how they battle demons and nightmares and lose sleep. Jake’s had those moments. I’ve seen him take the pills.

The silence becomes uncomfortable, but before I can’t think to remedy it, Jake turns and walks away.

“It only happened a few times when we were together.” My quiet declaration comes from nowhere and with no further explanation.

He doesn’t need one. The tensing of his shoulders as he comes to a stop and the tangible simmering rage speak for themselves. I don’t know what’s come over me; I swore I’d never tell a soul, but a deep-seated need within me wants to tell Jake.

“I wouldn’t care if it happened once and he sacrificed his life in apology.” He growls the words. “I’d find a way to bring him back to life just so I could kill him again. Once is one time too many. Don’t try to defend him.”

“I’m not telling you because I’m defending him. I’m telling you so you don’t think I’m a pathetic walkover.”

“I don’t think that!” he snaps as he paces to the door, his fury obvious.

“Then what do you think of me?” I ask, and he stops. “How do you see me, Jake? A weak little woman who needs looking after? A spoiled little brat? A materialistic, self-centered female with no appreciation of what it’s like to go without?”

He swings around, outraged by my accusations. “No! Exactly the fucking opposite, actually!”

I jump off the bed, squaring my shoulders in an attempt to look as imposing as possible. It’s laughable when I’m faced with Jake’s stats. “What happened in that bathroom?” I ask, hitting below the belt. I don’t care. I want to know.

“What happened?” he asks, looking at me like I’m stupid. I want to punch him for it. “I beat the shit out of a man who was assaulting you! What do you think I’m going to do? Hold you in place so he gets his aim right?”

“That’s not the only reason!” I yell. “You were somewhere else! What happened to you?”

“It’s none of your damn business!” he roars, signs of him losing it again vibrating before me. “You are my client! I am your bodyguard! That’s it! Stop trying to delve deeper! Stop trying to figure me out!”

I start to shake with fury, unreasonably hurt. Something happened in his past and it’s none of my business. Of course he’s right, but given the fact that I’ve spilled my secrets so willingly to him makes his rejection hurt all the more. I’m not the only one who’s overstepped the mark. I’ve seen him struggle with the chemistry, too! Damn it, I know he’s struggled, too!

Without warning, my hand sails out toward his face. He sees it coming a mile away, moving fast and catching my wrist.

We stand in front of each other, staring…and our rage changes into something else. I breathe out shakily and shrug off the goose bumps, watching as his eyes fall to my lips before quickly flicking back up to meet my gaze. Fire crackles between our bodies.

I try to straighten my thoughts, but I don’t get the time that I need to analyze it all. Jake’s coming at me fast, grabbing me and slamming his lips to mine. I feel like all the pressure bursts out of me, the stress and confusion going with it. His kiss is primal and unforgiving, his hard body forcing itself against my front. I whimper, accepting his power, grabbing at his shoulders while we explore each other’s mouths, hungry and desperate. My hands move to his hair, the pleasure wracking me, making my knees weak. I start to wobble, holding onto him to keep from falling out of his strong arms.

